Announcement of the online INSPIRE conference 2021

The 14th INSPIRE Conference 2021 entitled "Towards a Common European Green Deal data space for environment and sustainability" will be held from 25 to 29 October 2021 as an online conference.

The main topic of the INSPIRE conference 2021 is the adaptation and usability of the INSPIRE for the purpose of achieving the EU common data space with green open data and the European Green Deal.
The picture shows the front page of the INSPIRE 2021 conference website
In three days of the conference, through 12 sessions, three directions of INSPIRE development will be covered and processed. The first of them, entitled "The political roadmap - Green data for all", will look at the implementation of INSPIRE so far and on the main findings of the evaluation of the INSPIRE Directive. The next direction in the series is "Green data", which through its sessions will provide an overview of the latest developments related to new types of data from citizens and various sensors as well as advances in electronic reporting and statistical data management and the usage of Sustainable Development Goals. The third direction will include sessions under the common name "The architectural roadmap" which will include an overview of new technologies and their impact in changing traditional Spatial Data nfrastructures (SDIs) towards data spaces.
The picture shows the organizers of the INSPIRE 2021 conference

The organizers of this year's INSPIRE conference are representatives of the European Commission Directorate General for the Environment, as well as representatives of the European Commission Joint Research Center and a representative of the European Environment Agency.

Applications will be open from September 15, 2021, and you can find out more about the conference at the link.