Public consultation on the eGovernment Action Plan 2016 - 2020
The European Commission has been consulting on the new eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020, one of the actions for completing the Digital Single Market, as announced in the Communication on a Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe.The new eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020 will address the needs, requirements and expectations of European citizens and businesses with respect to the delivery of effective, efficient and user-friendly government services in the EU.
This consultation has sought to gather views from individual citizens, businesses or private organisations, and from national/ regional/local public administrations. Responses will be analysed together with Member States and will help to define the new eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020. The Commission will use your views and the collected data to define the scope and vision of the new Plan, its actions, user involvement, cross-border interoperability of government services, key enablers, as well as the plan's organisation given the rapid change in digital technologies and society itself which may require new policies and public services.
A roadmap towards the Communication from the European Commission is available here, and feedback can be provided in all official languages of the EU.
Responses are sought from:
• Citizens
• Businesses
• Public administrative bodies at all levels (international, EU-wide, national, regional and/or local).
30 October 2015 – 22 January 2016 (12 weeks)