A Report on Activities for the Establishment, Maintenance and Development of the NSDI for 2017 was published
The Government of the Republic of Croatia on its 106th session adopted a Conclusion approving the Report on Activities for the Establishment, Maintenance and Development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure for 2017. The State Geodetic Administration, in accordance with the provisions of the NSDI Act (NN 56/13, 52/18), made a proposal for the Report on Activities for the Establishment, Maintenance and Development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure for 2017 and addressed it to the NSDI Council for adoption and then for acceptance on the Government of the Republic of Croatia.
The report outlines the main activities for the establishment of the NSDI in 2017, including the adoption of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure Strategy 2020 (NSDI Strategy) and the Spatial Data Infrastructure Strategic Plan for the period 2017 - 2020. (Strategic Plan). During this period, workshops for NSDI subjects were held, a successful conference SDI Days 2017 for more than 200 participants was organized, and the Monitoring Report on the Implementation of INSPIRE for 2017 in Croatia was regularly submitted to the European Commission.