Discovery metadata shall be available for spatial data sets and services. | |
Spatial data sets shall be available for discovery and view from the INSPIRE geoportal (data does not yet need to be conformant to IR-ISDSS). | |
Spatial data sets shall be available for download and transformation (whenever applicable1) from the INSPIRE geo-portal (Data does not yet need to be conformant to IR-ISDSS2). | |
Newly collected and extensively restructured spatial data sets shall be conformant to IR-ISDSS (incl. metadata for interoperability) and available through network services. | |
All spatial data sets shall be conformant to IR-ISDSS (incl. matadata for interoperability) and available through network services. | |
All invocable spatial services shall be conformant to Annex V of IR-ISDSS (incl. metadata).
Invocable spatial data services related to newly collected and extesively restructured spatial sata sets shall be conformant to Annexes VI and (where practicable) VII of IR-ISDSS (incl. metadata). | |
All invocable spatial data services shall be conformant to Annexes VI and (where practicable) VII of IR-ISDSS (incl.metadata). |
IR-ISDSS= Implementing Rules on interoperability of spatial data sets and services (Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1089/2010) including its amendments Regulations (EU) No. 102/2011, 1253/2013 i 1312/2014.
1 Transformation Services only need to be provided if data sets are not made conformant with the IR-ISDSS by some other means (see Art. 7(3) of the INSPIRE Directive)
2 With the exception of newly collected and extensively restructured Annex I data sets, which already have to be compliant with the IR-ISDSS by 23/11/2012