5th NSDI and INSPIRE DAY within "SDI Days 2013" conference
5th NSDI and INSPIRE Days were held in Šibenik 26. and 27. Septembre. Motivated by the great interest in the past conferences and the desire to improve the knowledge of the infrastructure for spatial information this year we hosted a large number of domestic and foreign lecturers in the beautiful ambience of the hotel complex Solaris.The first day was marked by a scientific workshop on the theme: INSPIRE and integrated land and water management in the organization of JRC. Emphasis is placed on the integration of spatial data related to water.
The second day was dedicated to 5th NSDI and INSPIRE day where we had a chance to hear what the current state of the spatial data is in Croatia, but also in the countries of the region, which are the rights and obligations with respect to the entry into the European Union, some IT solutions are shown and the legal issues that need to be met are discussed.
30 lectures in English, listened to 110 participants from Croatian, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Italy, Macedonia, Bulgaria, who actively participated in the discussions. Proceedings of all papers is published on our pages among Publications in PDF format, so you that you were not whit us, can gain insight into the rear of spatial data infrastructure in Croatia and in the region.
The organizers of this event were the Joint Research Centre - Institute for Sustainability and Environment, the SGA and the Croatian Chamber of Chartered Geodetic Engineers.
We thank to all the speakers and participants who helped whith their engagement so that this year's Days of SDI become interesting, educational and very useful to all those who have their activities related to the area of NSDI, INSPIRE and Spatial Data Infrastructure.