Croatian national metadata profile
The Law on State Survey and Real Estate Cadastre (NN 16/07, 124/19) defines metadata as information describing spatial data collections and services. They enable their discovery, viewing and use and are one of the main elements of establishing a National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). The government of the Republic of Croatia has adopted the Implementing Rules for Metadata (NN 102/10) in August of 2010, which are completely harmonized with the INSPIRE implementing rules for metadata.State geodetic administration with the professional support of the NSDI workgroup for technical standards and consultants from the German company Conterra is creating a blueprint of the Croatian national metadata profile. The profile has to fulfill the needs of NSDI subjects and be passed on existing specifications and norms. The national metadata profile has to be simple and interoperable and enable NSDI subjects to expand it in accordance with their needs as well as define metadata profiles for their data and service sets.
Please send all recommendations, objections, comments and annotations concerning the Croatian metadata profile (working document) to the e-mail address or through the Contact form on the NSDI (NIPP) web pages ( by September 30, 2011.