Announcement of the 25th and 26th NSDI workshop
The State Geodetic Administration, as the National Contact Point of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), will hold two workshops within the project "Increasing the availability of NSDI spatial data through e-services", intended for selected NSDI subjects and employees of the State Geodetic Administration. The 25th NSDI workshop will be held in the period 1-8 March 2021, and the 26th NSDI workshop is planned for March 10-11, 2021. Both workshops will be held in the form of virtual workshops.
The main goal of the project "Increasing the availability of NSDI spatial data through e-services" is to increase the availability of spatial data of public authorities, ie NSDI subjects, by developing network services in line with the INSPIRE Implementing Rules.
The workshops are co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), in accordance with the Operational Program "Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020", and within the Grant Agreement KK. "Increasing the availability of NSDI spatial data through e-services”.