JRC held a workshop for paying agencies and NCP
As part of the work on the project with DG AGRI (Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development), on 8th of June 2021, the JRC held a dedicated workshop entitled “INSPIRE Discoverability Clinic” for paying agencies in agriculture and national contact points for INSPIRE of Member States. The aim of the workshop was to present and discuss the discoverability of metadata and data of agricultural Integrated Administrative and Control Systems (IACS). The obligation to create and publish IACS-related metadata is on paying agencies, however, in order to be visible on INSPIRE Geportal, they must be harvested from national catalogues maintained by the national contact points for INSPIRE. The workshop presented the metadata profile for IACS data with additional extensions compared to INSPIRE and demonstrated the completion of metadata of such resources on Geonetwork. Future upgrades to the INSPIRE Geoportal with a new high-value data browser and a new, more intuitive INSPIRE Reference Validator interface, which is still under development, have also been announced. Finally, a new standard in INSPIRE for data download was presented - the OGC API Features standard and its advantages.