Responsible party

Name Responsible party
Definition Identification, for communication purposes, of the person(s) and organization(s) associated with the source(s).
  • dataset or dataset series: mandatory
  • service: mandatory
Multiplicity  [1] relatively with respect to the responsible organization, but there may be multiple responsible organizations for a single source.
Example Name of organisation: State Geodetic Administration 
As a general principle, and especially in cases where data are required to be cited in publications, certain authors’ names must be included. If there is a helpdesk or service responsible for a data resource, related information needs to be stated.

Tehnical data
INSPIRE equivalent Responsible party
Comparison with INSPIRE equivalent
ISO equivalent [29] pointOfContact
Comparison with ISO equivalent
XPath identificationInfo[1]/*/pointOfContact
Data type CI_ResponsibleParty
Domain  CI_ResponsibleParty<<DataType>>
Must contain minimum: name of the organisation and e-mail address, while other elements (position of contact, regular mail address, phone number, fax number, web-address etc.) may be documented if they are known. 
Implementation instructions  Each instance of CI_ResponsibleParty, or any of its sub-classes, describes the responsible organisation, ie the name of the responsible organization, e-mail address, role of responsible party, contact position, regular mail address, phone number, fax number and web-address. It is recommended that the full, official name without acronyms and abbreviations is given for the name of the organization, and that the e-mail address of the institution is used, instead of the personal e-mail address.

Encoding example
                         <gco:CharacterString>State Geodetic Administration</gco:CharacterString>