Resource type
Name | Resoursce type |
Definition | Type of resource described by the metadata |
Obligation |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Example | dataset |
Generally, there are very many types of data resources. Croatian NSDI recognises the following resource types: spatial dataset, spatial dataset series, and spatial data services. Based on the type of resource, Croatian NSDI has two XML metadata templates: the dataset and dataset series template, and the spatial data services template. To select the right metadata template, one needs to know the type of spatial data source before they are entered. |
Technical data
INSPIRE equivalent | Resource type |
Comparison with INSPIRE | equivalent |
ISO equivalent | [6] hierarchyLevel |
Comparision with ISO | equivalent, but limited to spatial datasets, dataset series and services |
XPath | hierarchyLevel |
Data type | MD_ScopeCode |
Domain | MD_ScopeCode<<CodeList>> |
Implementation instructions | The resource type of the spatial dataset or dataset series is documented using only one instance of the element of the gmd:hierarchyLevel/gmd:MD_ScopeCode, in a way that it contains one of the following two values of the ISO 19139 MD_ScopeCode code list, depending on the type of resource:
Encoding example: Specifying the resource type for the dataset
<gmd:MD_Metadata... ... <gmd:hierarchyLevel> <gmd:MD_ScopeCode codeList="" codeListValue="dataset">dataset</gmd:MD_ScopeCode> </gmd:hierarchyLevel> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata> |