Service type
Name | Service type |
Definition | Name of the spatial data service type from the list of services. |
Obligation |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Example | other |
The observed service is classified into only one category. One SpatialDataServiceType INSPIRE code list value must be specified depending on the source type. |
Tehnical data
INSPIRE equivalent | Spatial data service type |
Comparison with INSPIRE | equivalent |
ISO equivalent | [1] serviceType |
Comparison with ISO | equivalent |
XPath | identificationInfo[1]/*/serviceType |
Data type | generic name (GenericName) |
Domain | SpatialDataServiceType<<>> |
Implementation instructions | Invocable spatial data service type is documented according to the general implementation instructions for the Service type element, and in this particular case the service type should be "other" XML value for all invocable spatial data services. |
Encoding example: Documenting the spatial data service type
<gmd:MD_Metadata... ... <gmd:identificationInfo> <srv:SV_ServiceIdentification> ... <srv:serviceType> <gco:LocalName codeSpace="">other</gco:LocalName> </srv:serviceType> ... </srv:SV_ServiceIdentification> </gmd:identificationInfo> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata> |