Students of the Dubrovnik Craft and Technical High School visited SGA
On November 25, 2022. students of the Dubrovnik Craft and Technical High School visited the State Geodetic Administration (SGA). In order to introduce the scope of SGA and its products to the students, a series of short presentations were held. Presentations were held by SGA employees as follows:
- Diana Dudok: SGA generally
- Ariana Bakija Lopac: Utility cadaster system
- Saša Cvitković: SGA Geoportal
- Tanja Rodin: GeoCroatia
- Making maps in SGA
- Martina Ciprijan: CROPOS
Employees of the Division of National Spatial Data Infrastructure participated with a lecture entitled "GeoCroatia" held by the Head of the NSDI Interoperability Department, M.Sc. Tanja Rodin. This presentation presented the GeoCroatia web browser and the GeoCroatia mobile application. The GeoCroatia browser is one of the NSDI products intended primarily for citizens who can use it to view the spatial data of the competent public authorities of the Republic of Croatia in their area.
The visit was attended by 38 students, members of the first and second grade of the Dubrovnik Crafts and Technical High School, majoring in Geodesy and Geoinformatics Technician, accompanied by their teachers.