NSDI workshops in June

The State Geodetic Administration as the National Contact Point (NCP) of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia (NSDI) carries out the activities of establishment, maintenance and development of the NSDI. As part of these activities, the NCP holds NSDI workshops, which aim to help entities to fulfill their obligations and bring closer the topics of NSDI. Thus, in June 2023, two online workshops will be held, each of which is intended for a specific group of subjects.
The first workshop in this cycle is intended for representatives of local and regional self-government units. This workshop belongs to a series of workshops under the common name "Inclusion in the National Infrastructure of Spatial Data", the aim of which is to familiarize subjects with NSDI in general, as well as their role and obligations.
The second workshop is intended for entities that are already involved in NSDI and are currently carrying out metadata entry activities in the Metadata Catalog on the NSDI Geoportal. This workshop will be held with the aim of helping subjects who have not yet or have just started describing their sources in the Metadata Catalog on the NSDI Geoportal.
If you belong to one of the targeted groups of users and are interested in participating in the mentioned workshops, contact us at the info mail.