37th NSDI workshop
The State Geodetic Administration organized the 37th NSDI workshop held on March 4 and 5, 2024 in the form of a webinar via the Microsoft Teams platform. The aim of the workshop was the development of INSPIRE harmonized spatial datasets through the FME program solution, which continues the activities on the establishment, maintenance and development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure.The FME software solution was acquired within the framework of the ERDF project "Increasing the availability of NSDI spatial data through e-services", the goal of which was to increase the availability of spatial data of public authorities, i.e. NSDI subjects, through the development of INSPIRE-compliant network services, and was implemented by State Geodetic Administration.
For the harmonization procedure, sources with no INSPIRE harmonized data were selected. The selected sources are under the jurisdiction of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics for the INSPIRE theme Population distribution (demography) and the State Geodetic Administration for the thene Statistical units.
Harmonization is the process in which the spatial data is translated from the existing model to the model prescribed by the NSDI Act (OG 56/13, 52/18, 50/20), the INSPIRE directive and accompanying legislation. It is implemented to provide interoperable spatial datasets available through INSPIRE compliant network services.
Employees of the National Contact Point and the Croatian Bureau of Statistics participated in the workshop, and the training was conducted by the company conterra GmbH in cooperation with the company Multisoft d.o.o.
For the above mentioned harmonized datasets, the development of associated INSPIRE harmonized network view and download services is underway.
The State Geodetic Administration, as the National Contact Point for INSPIRE, is continuously making efforts to make it easier for NSDI subjects to fulfill the obligations prescribed by the NSDI Act and the INSPIRE Directive, and for this purpose has plans for future workshops for NSDI subjects.