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4th NSDI workshop

4th NSDI workshop organized by the SGA held on at the Ministry of Administration 16.09.2013. The workshop was attended by 40 participants, representatives of NSDI subjects. The workshop presented Register of the NSDI subjects and Register of the source of spatial data and everyone was asked to point out any mistakes or errors that occurred in the Registry.

This workshop differed from the rest by its practical character that marked the rest of the workshop. Subjects were shown NSDI Metadata form for spatial data sets and spatial data series and form for Services of spatial data.  All subjects are obligated, for their sources of spatial data, to meet the indicated table metadata.

The picture shows the participants of the workshop held in the premises of the Ministry of Administration, about 40 participants.

The workshop explains in detail how the metadata is completed, the subjects could ask whatever interests them and what they vaguely when filling metadata themselves.
Template for filling Metadata set and a series of spatial data  and a template to fill in Spatial data services can be found on the website of the NSDI at the Working papers part.
At a session of the NSDI Council a second version of the Specification for the metadata was adopted in which you can find detailed information for completing forms themselves, which is published on the NSDI web.
For all other questions, please contact us on the mail
4th NSDI Workshop Agenda 16.09.2013.
9:00–9:30 Registration of participants
9:30 –9:45 NSDI Act 
9:45–10:15 Registri subjekata i prostornih podataka NIPP-a
10:15–11:00 Metapodaci NIPP-a i usluga pretraživanja
11:00–11:30 Pauza za kavu
11:30–12:30 Praktičan rad na popunjavanju metapodataka NIPP-a za pojedine izvore prostornih podataka
12:30–13:30 Pauza za ručak
13:30–16:00 Praktičan rad na popunjavanju metapodataka NIPP-a za pojedine izvore prostornih podataka
16:00 Zatvaranje radionice