ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
API | Application Programming Interface |
ATOM | The Atom Syndication Format |
CAD ili CADD | Computer-aided design and drafting |
CC | Creative Commons |
Cat SWG | Catalog Revision Standards Working Group |
CEN | Comité Européen de Normalisation European Committee for Standardization Europäisches Komitee für Normung |
CityGML | City Geography Markup Language |
CROPOS | Croatian Positioning System |
CROTIS | Croatian Topographic Information System |
CRS | Coordinate Reference System |
CS | Catalogue Service |
CSW | Catalog Service for the Web |
DGU | Državna geodetska uprava |
DIGEST | DIgital Geographic Information Exchange STandard |
DQ | Data Quality |
DT DS | Drafting Team Data Specifications (INSPIRE) |
DWG | Domain Working Group |
E,N | E - Easting - istočna koordinata, N - Northing - sjeverna koordinata Koordinate u ravnini projekcije. |
EDEN | l'Equipe D'Experts en Normalisation |
EEA | European Environment Agency |
eGIF | eGovernment Interoperability Framework |
EGM | Euro Global Map |
EGN | EuroGeoNames |
EIA | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EIF | European Interoperability Framework |
EIR | Environmental Information Regulations |
EIS | European Interoperability Strategy |
ELF | European Location Framework |
ELRA | European Land Registry Association |
EO | Earth Observation |
EOSDIS | Earth Observing System Data and Information System |
EPSG | European Petroleum Survey Group |
ESDI | European Spatial Data Infrastructure |
ESDIN | European Spatial Data Infrastructure Network |
ESO | European Standardization Organization |
ESS | Earth Systems Science |
ETRS89 | European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 |
EU | European Union |
EULIS | European Land Information Service |
EUNIS | European Nature Information System |
EUREF | European Reference Frame |
EUROGI | European Umbrella Organization for Geographic Information |
EuroSDR | European Spatial Data Research |
EUROSTAT | Statistical Office of the European Communities |
EUSIS | European Soil Information System |
EUVN | European Vertical Reference Network |
EVRS | European Vertical Reference System |
EZ | Europska zajednica |
FGDC | Federal Geographic Data Committee |
FIG | International Federation of Surveyors |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
GCM | Generic Conceptual Model (INSPIRE) |
GEMET | GEneral Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus |
GeoAPI | GeoAPI Interface Standard |
GEOSS | Global Earth Observation System of Systems |
GeoTIFF | Geo Tagged Image File Format |
GIF | Graphics Interchange Format |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
GISCO | Geographic Information System of the European Commission |
GMD | Geoscientific Model Development |
GMES | Global Monitoring for Environment and Security |
GML | Geography Markup Language |
GNSS | Global Navigation Satellite System |
GO | Geospatial Objects |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GRS80 | Geodetic Reference System 1980 |
GSDI | Global Spatial Data Infrastructure |
GTOS | Global Terrestrial Observing System |
h | Geodetska (elipsoidna) visina - visina od plohe referentnog elipsoida do promatrane točke duž normale na elipsoid |
H | Visina s obzirom na polje ubrzanja sile teže (npr. od plohe geoida do promatrane točke duž realne težišnice) |
HDF | Hierarchical Data Format |
HDKS | Hrvatski državni koordinatni sustav |
HDKS1901_GK | Hrvatski državni koordinatni sustav 1901, Gauss-Krügerove projekcije |
HKOIG | Hrvatska komora ovlaštenih inženjera geodezije |
HRN | Hrvatska norma |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language |
HTRS96/TM | Hrvatski terestički referentni sustav 1996 poprečne Mercatorove projekcije |
HTTP | HyperText Transfer Protocol |
HTTPS | HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure |
HVRS71 | Hrvatski visinski referentni sustav 1971 |
HZN | Hrvatski zavod za norme |
IAG | International Association of Geodesy |
ICA | International Cartographic Association |
ICS | International Classification Code |
ICT | Information and Communications Technology |
ID | IDentifier |
IKT | Informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija |
INSPIRE | Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the Europe |
IPP | Infrastruktura prostornih podataka |
IR | Implementing Rules |
ISA | Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations |
ISIC | International Standard Industrial Classification |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
ISO/IEC | ISO/International Electrotechnical Commission |
ISO TC 211 | ISO Technical Committee 211 |
ISO/TS | ISO Technical Specification |
ITRS | International Terrestrial Reference System |
JRC | Joint Research Centre |
KML | Keyhole Markup Language |
LAEA | Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Projection |
LAU | Local Administrative Units |
LMO | Legally Mandated Organization |
MD | Metadata |
MEF | Metadata Exchange Format |
N | višestruka vrijednost |
NIPP | Nacionalna infrastruktura prostornih podataka |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NMA | National Mapping Agency |
NMCA | National Mapping and Cadastral Agency |
NN | Narodne novine |
NRE | Natural Resources and Environment |
NSDI | National Spatial Data Infrastructure |
NUTS | Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (EUROSTAT) |
O | obvezan |
OASIS | Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards |
OCL | Object Constraint Language |
OGC | Open Geospatial Consortium |
OLS | OGC Location Services |
OMA | Open Mobile Alliance |
ORM | Object Relational Mapping |
OWL | Web Ontology Language |
OWS | OGC Web Services |
O&M | Observations and Measurements |
PCC | Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union |
PKI | Public Key Infrastructure |
PSI | Public Sector Information |
RDM | Reference Data and Metadata |
RDF | Resource Description Framework |
SDI | Spatial Data Infrastructure |
SDTS | Spatial Data Transfer Standard |
SEIS | Shared Environmental Information System |
SensorML | Sensor Markup Language |
SFTP | SSH File Transfer Protocol |
SGA | State Geodetic Administration |
SOA | Services Oriented Architecture |
SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol |
SOS | Sensor Observation Service |
SQL | Structured Query Language |
STANAG | NATO STANdardization AGreement |
SWG | Standards Working Group |
TC | Technical Committee |
TC P&P | Technical Committee Policies and Procedures |
TIFF | Tagged Image File Format |
TML | Transducer Markup Language |
TR | Technical Report |
TS | Technical Specification |
U | Uvjetan |
UML | Unified Modeling Language |
UN | United Nations |
UNEP | United Nations Environment Programme |
UNGEGN | United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names |
UN GGIM | UN Global Geospatial Information Management |
UNGIWG | United Nations Geographical Information Working Group |
UNSDI | United Nations Spatial Data Infrastructure |
URI | Unique Resource Identifier |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
URN | Uniform Resource Name |
UTF | Unicode Transformation Format |
UTM | Universal Transverse Mercator |
UUID | Universal Unique Identifier |
W3C | World Wide Web Consortium |
WaterML | Water Markup Language |
WCS | Web Coverage Service |
WCTS | Web Coordinate Transformation Service |
WFS | Web Feature Service |
WG | Working group |
WMS | Web Map Service |
WMS SWG | Web Map Service Standards Working Group |
WMTS | Web Map Tile Service |
WPS | Web Processing Service |
WS | Web Services |
WSDL | Web Service Definition Language |
WTS | Web Terrain Service |
XML | eXtensible Markup Language |
XPath | XML Path Language |
XSD | XML Schema Definition |
X, Y | Koordinate u ravnini projekcije |
X, Y, Z | Koordinate trodimenzionalnog kartezijevog koordinatnog sustava |
ZIPP | Zagrebačka infrastruktura prostornih podataka |
WGS84 | World Geodetic System 1984 |
φ | Geodetska (elipsoidna) širina |
λ | Geodetska (elipsoidna) dužina |