The third cycle of NSDI workshops under the common title "Inclusion of local and regional self-government units in the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)" was opened by the 29th NSDI workshop, which was held on April 14, 2021. The workshop was organized by the State Geodetic Administration as the National Contact Point for the NSDI, and was attended by a total of 54 participants.
The workshop was opened by Damir Šantek, PhD, director general of the State Geodetic Administration, who is also the President of the NSDI Council, the body that establishes the NSDI in the Republic of Croatia and coordinates the activities of NSDI subjects. The audience was then addressed by Ljerka Marić, MsC, Head of the Spatial Data Infrastructure Sector, who emphasized on this occasion the obligation to implement the INSPIRE Directive on the European Union level.
Participants of the 29th NSDI workshop had the opportunity to get acquainted with the legal, strategic, technical and time frame of the establishment and development of the NSDI, but also with the obligations that NSDI subjects are obliged to fulfill. The main purpose of this workshop was to provide a quality theoretical basis so that the representatives of local and regional self-government units can independently perform the tasks required by the NSDI, such as working with metadata of spatial data sources within their jurisdiction in the NSDI Metadata Catalog, development and maintenance of network services, etc. The workshop was realized by the employees of the State Geodetic Administration, Tomislav Ciceli, Msc, Iva Gašparović, PhD, and Tanja Rodin, MsC.
The 29th NSDI workshop was organized within the implementation of the SGA project "Capacity building for the establishment of the NSDI", which is co-financed by the European Social Fund. The State Geodetic Administration is also preparing thematic, practical workshops, especially focused on working with metadata, in order to facilitate to the representatives of local and regional self-government units the entry, maintenance and updating of metadata within their jurisdiction.