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NSDI conferences

The goal of these events is assembling all NSDI subjects and providing them with information concerning the development of the spatial data infrastructure on all levels. The development and promotion of spatial data infrastructure greatly contributes to the development of disciplines in the field of geo-information, geodesy, geography, cartography and other related sciences as well as to the development of a geoinformational educated society.

14th NSDI and INSPIRE day within "SDI Day 2024" conference
The State Geodetic Administration, as the National Contact Point for NSDI and INSPIRE organized the "SDI Days 2024" conference, within which the 14th NSDI and INSPIRE day was held. The conferencee was held on May 27 and 28, 2024, in the National and University Library in Zagreb. more...

13th NSDI and INSPIRE day within "SDI Day 2022" conference
The State Geodetic Administration organized a two-day conference, held on October 19-20, 2022. SDI Days 2022, within which the 13th NSDI and INSPIRE day was held, in the Kolovare Zadar hotel, and gathered about a hundred participants from the academic, public and private sectors.The first day was the opening of the exhibition "Descriptio oeconomiae - presentations of economic contents on early modern maps", while the second day was dedicated to the 13th NIPP and INSPIRE day... more...

12th NSDI and INSPIRE day within "SDI Day 2021" conference
The State Geodetic Administration organized the 12th Day of Spatial Data Infrastructures - SDI Day 2021, which was held on October 20, 2021 at the Hotel Eden in Rovinj. This year's conference was organized in accordance with epidemiological measures with the presence of about 90 participants from the public, private and academic sector. more...

11th NSDI and INSPIRE day within "SDI Days 2019" conference
The State Geodetic Administration and the Croatian Hydrographic Institute organized the conference SDI Days 2019, from 13-14 November 2019 in Split. About 200 participants from the public, private and academic sectors attended this year’s conference. The SDI Days 2019 consisted of a workshop dedicated to NSDI subjects and local promoters, held on the first day of the conference, at the Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Split. more...

10th NSDI and INSPIRE day within "SDI Days 2018" conference
Jubilee Tenth Conference dedicated to Spatial Data Infrastructures, SDI Days 2018 and 14th International Conference on Geoinformation and Cartography were successfully held at the Faculty of Geodesy  University of Zagreb on 27th and 28th September 2018. The conference was jointly organized by the State Geodetic Administration, the Croatian Cartographic Society and the Faculty of Geodesy. more...

9th NSDI and INSPIRE day within "SDI Days 2017" conference
30th November and 1st December at the Faculty of Geodesy University of Zagreb were held this year's Days of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI Days 2017) in joint organisation between State Geodetic Administration (SGA) and the Faculty of Geodesy. more...

8th NSDI and INSPIRE day within "SDI Days 2016" conference
24th and 25th November at the Faculty of Geodesy University of Zagreb were held this year's Days of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI Days 2016) in joint organisation between State Geodetic Administration (SGA) and the Faculty of Geodesy. more...

7th NSDI and INSPIRE day within "SDI Days 2015" conference
15th and 16th October at the Faculty of Geodesy University of Zagreb were held this year's Days of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI Days 2015). more...

6th NSDI and INSPIRE day within " SDI Days 2014" conference
Days of SDI 2014. held on 11. and 12. September in the common organization of the SGA and the Faculty of Geodesy at the premises of the Faculty. This year's conference was attended by 150 participants. more...

5th NSDI and INSPIRE day within "SDI Days 2013" conference
5th NSDI and INSPIRE Days were held in Šibenih 26. and 27. Septembre. Motivated by the great interest in the past conferences and the desire to improve the knowledge of the infrastructure for spatial information this year we hosted a large number of domestic and foreign lecturers in the beautiful ambience of the hotel complex Solaris. more...

4th NSDI and INSPIRE day within "SDI Days 2012" conference
The 4th Croatian NIPP and INSPIRE day and 1st regional INSPIRATION forum is going to be organized in Zagreb on September 24-29. 2012. by the Croatian Cartographic Society and the State Geodetic Administration. This year the organizers want to contribute to the development of GIS, cartography, geography, geodesy, geology and related fields with special emphasis on spatial data infrastructures (SDI) and the activities at the regional level, ie the area of South Eastern Europe. more...

3rd NSDI and INSPIRE day 
Organized by the Croatian Cartographic Society and the State Geodetic Administration on September 14-16. 2011., the 3nd Croatian NIPP and INSPIRE day and the 7th Cartography and Geoinformation Conference was held in Split.
This year’s NSDI and INSPIRE day was dedicated to transferring the INSPIRE directive into national legislature, construction of the national spatial data infrastructure and solutions offered by the economy for the implementation of local, regional and national spatial data infrastructure. more…

2nd NSDI and INSPIRE day 
Organized by the Croatian Cartographic Society and the State Geodetic Administration on November 25-27. 2010., the 2nd Croatian NIPP and INSPIRE day and the 6th Cartography and Geoinformation Conference was held in Opatija.
The primary goal of the 2nd Croatian NIPP and INSPIRE day was to inform NSDI subjects about the development of the spatial data infrastructure in public administration, regional and local self-government and to show examples of application of the spatial data infrastructure in Croatia. more…

1st NSDI and INSPIRE day 
Organized by the Croatian Cartographic Society and the State Geodetic Administration on November 26-28, 2009, the 1st Croatian NIPP and INSPIRE day and the 5th Cartography and Geoinformation Conference was held in Varaždin.
The goal of the 1st Croatian NIPP and INSPIRE day was to assemble representatives of institutions and NSDI subjects for the purpose of promoting establishing of NSDI and a more efficient and faster implementation of the INSPIRE directive in Croatia. more…