The workshop for the members of the NSDI working groups was held the first day and was officially opened by the new deputy director of the SGA g. Vladimir Majetić.
The working group members NSDI had the opportunity to know each other better through the presentations of the heads of working groups, which have presented their work, members, future goals and problems encountered.
Michael Lutz introduced working group members with INSPIRE registry, and a lecture about metadata held on by Željko Hećimović.
The second part of the workshop dealt with practical work. Practical session was led by Ivica Skender and Melita Perčec Tadić, also members of the NSDI working groups.
End of the workshop was marked by the presentation of the Swedish consultant Anders Ostman, who presented the work of the NSDI Strategy launched by the SGA as the National Contact Point for SDI / INSPIRE. NSDI Strategy will be developed for the period until 2020, and active contribution is expected from the members of the working group on the development of the Strategy.
6 NSDI and INSPIRE Day was held on the second day of the conference in the big hall of the Faculty of Geodesy. The conference was opened by Ljerka Marić Head of Sector for spatial data infrastructure, and the official part worked together the dean of the Faculty Miodrag Roic Ph.D. in Technical Sciences and director of the SGA, Danko Markovinovic Ph.D.
6 NSDI and INSPIRE Day was held on the second day of the conference in the big hall of the Faculty of Geodesy. The conference was opened by Ljerka Marić Head of Sector for spatial data infrastructure, and the official part worked together the dean of the Faculty Miodrag Roic Ph.D. in Technical Sciences and director of the SGA, Danko Markovinovic Ph.D.
The young students of Music school Elly Basic were playing on the violin, guitar and accordion, introduced us to the serious part of the Conference.
As invited speakers, we had the honor to listen to Mrs. Christina Wasström INSPIRE National Co-coordinator. In her lecture, on the example of Sweden, she described us the way in which her ??country went in the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive.
Michael Lutz, a representative of the JRC, the institution responsible for the technical establishment of INSPIRE, and the second day, also as an invited lecturer, gave a lecture about where we are now and what awaits us all in the implementation of INSPIRE.
As a representative of one of the NSDI subjects deputy director of MHS Ms. PhD Vlasta Tutiš gave a lecture titled Inspired Solution for Meteorological and Hydrological Service (MHS).
In the first session are presented the activities of the National Contact Point, and among other things, for the first time NSDI GEOPORTAL was introduced by Tomislav Ciceli. We had the opportunity to hear more details about the Geoportal from Hrvoje Matijević and Marko Škvorc from IGE's, project contractor.
Participants also had the opportunity to hear experience from the region and the state of spatial data infrastructure in neighboring Serbia and Kosovo.
This year's SDI Days were accompanied by interesting lectures and the large number of participants with hope for next year to gather in even greater numbers with more interesting topics and lectures on spatial data.
The conference was accompanied by the Conference Proceedings , which was released in digital form on the NSDI web site. For more information on the Conference, please contact us on
As invited speakers, we had the honor to listen to Mrs. Christina Wasström INSPIRE National Co-coordinator. In her lecture, on the example of Sweden, she described us the way in which her ??country went in the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive.
Michael Lutz, a representative of the JRC, the institution responsible for the technical establishment of INSPIRE, and the second day, also as an invited lecturer, gave a lecture about where we are now and what awaits us all in the implementation of INSPIRE.
As a representative of one of the NSDI subjects deputy director of MHS Ms. PhD Vlasta Tutiš gave a lecture titled Inspired Solution for Meteorological and Hydrological Service (MHS).
In the first session are presented the activities of the National Contact Point, and among other things, for the first time NSDI GEOPORTAL was introduced by Tomislav Ciceli. We had the opportunity to hear more details about the Geoportal from Hrvoje Matijević and Marko Škvorc from IGE's, project contractor.
Participants also had the opportunity to hear experience from the region and the state of spatial data infrastructure in neighboring Serbia and Kosovo.
This year's SDI Days were accompanied by interesting lectures and the large number of participants with hope for next year to gather in even greater numbers with more interesting topics and lectures on spatial data.
The conference was accompanied by the Conference Proceedings , which was released in digital form on the NSDI web site. For more information on the Conference, please contact us on