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access rights Implies unlimited viewing of data, or minimal rights which constitute the right to find, view and print with a visible marking, not for further use (i.e. not a public document, watermark etc.).
ATOM A standard that allows easy downloading of predefined datasets without the ability to change content and define additional parameters by users.
backup copy Stored copy preserved in case the original is destroyed or lost.
Catalog Service for the Web – CSW An Open Geospatial Consortium standard that enables the finding of spatial data, spatial data sets and network services based on appropriate metadata stored in the metadata catalog.
character array Metadata element value field expressed as a set of characters that are treated as a whole.
classified data Classified data is data marked by the competent body, through a prescribed procedure, as such, and for which a level of secrecy has been determined, as well as data that was given to the Republic of Croatia marked as such by another country, international organization or institution with which the Republic of Croatia cooperates. Levels of classification secrecy are: top secret, secret, confidential and restricted.
commercial use Implies acquirement of direct or indirect profit through the use of data.
Creative Commons (CC) Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools. Free, easy-to-use copyright licenses provide a simple, standardized way to give the public permission to share and use your creative work — on conditions of your choice.
data exchange Implies the process of data transfer from one location to the other between the provider and user or NSID subjects, whether through direct access or by another way of classic delivery.
end user Physical or legal person who has acquired the right to use the data.
free text Metadata element value field expressed in one or more living languages.
harmonization Providing access to spatial data in a way that allows them to be combined with other harmonized data in a coherent manner using common set of product specifications.
implementing rules European Union implementing rules that are binding and directly applicable in all Member States, as well as national implementing rules.
Infrastructure for Spatial InfoRmation in Europe – INSPIRE An initiative initiated with the intention to establish a European Union Spatial Data Infrastructure as defined by the INSPIRE Directive.
interoperability Possibility of combining spatial data collections and interactivity of services, without a repetitive manual intervention, in order to receive a complete result and improve the added value of the data and services collections.
INSPIRE geoportal Website or equivalent that provides access to discovery, view, download, transform and invoke services of spatial data on European Union level.
license Legal document authorizing the use of the information.
metadata Descriptive data about data.
metadata catalog A metadata storage and access mechanism that allows users to use queries over data based on desired attributes, for which the catalog service stores descriptive information (metadata) about logical data.
metadata element An individual metadata record.
National Contact Point State Geodetic Administration is the National Contact Point for the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive. The National Contact Point is responsible for communication with the European Commission bodies regarding the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive, for the effective implementation of the NSDI and for the preforming secretarial tasks and coordination of NSDI bodies, as well as technical support for the establishment, maintenance and development of NSDI.
National Spatial Data Infrastructure National Spatial Data Infrastructure is a set of technologies, measures, standards, implementing rules, services, human capacities and other factors that enable effective aggregation, management and maintenance of spatial data sharing.
National Spatial Data Infrastructure Geoportal Website or equivalent that provides access to the services of discovery, view, download, transform and invoke and other NSDI's data services.
network discovery service Network discovery service enables the publication and finding of descriptive data about data and services, or metadata, through the Internet.
network download service Network download service allows to download vector geographical features (points, lines and polygons) through the Internet.
network invoke service Network services that allow spatial data to be invoked.
network services Network services define common interfaces against which generic client applications can be developed that allow users to discover, view, download, transform and invoke data.
network transformation service Network transformation service enables the transformation of spatial data into data compliant with INSPIRE Data Specifications. The aim of these services is to achieve spatial data interoperability.
network view service Network view service enables the visualization of spatial data via the Internet. The data can be visualized with the help of an internet browser or using client applications and GIS tools.
NSDI Committee NSDI permanent implementing Body.
NSDI Council NSDI body that establishes National Spatial Data Infrastructure in the Republic of Croatia and coordinates the activities of NSDI subjects with the obligation rights set out in the National Spatial Data Infrastructure Act (OG 56/13, 52/18, 50/20).
NSDI Spatial Data Themes The NSDI Act covers 35 spatial data themes which are classified into three Annexes: Annex I, Annex II and Annex III. NSDI spatial data are part of one or more spatial data themes. Each NSDI spatial data theme is defined by an INSPIRE specification that prescribes the data model of a particular theme.
NSDI subjects Public authorities which, under the jurisdiction or in the purview, have the establishment or maintenance of spatial data referred to in Article 9, paragraph 1 of the NSDI Act and which, within the meaning of that Act, are obliged to participate in the establishment, maintenance and development of NSDI.
NSDI website The official website of National Spatial Data Infrastructure.
official data Information from official records generated by performing regular activities within the jurisdiction for which the legal or physical person is registered.
official record Record established based on regulations or general acts or a legal entity with public authority.
personal data All information relating to an identified physical person or physical person that can be identified. A person that can be identified is a person whose identity can be confirmed directly or indirectly, especially based on one or more characteristics specific for their physical, psychological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.
public administration bodies Public administration bodies are ministries, central government offices, government administrative structures and county  public administration offices.
public authorities Public administration bodies, bodies of local and regional self-government units and legal entities with public authority.
public disclosure Data is considered publicly disclosed if it has been made available to the public.
quality Overall features of some products that have an influence on its ability to fulfill expressed or implied needs, in accordance with EN ISO 19101.
reuse Use of documents held by public authorities for non-commercial use that is different from the purpose for which the documents were created. Exchange of documents between public sector bodies in the performance of public tasks is not considered to be reuse.
Simple Object Access Protocol - SOAP A communication protocol that is used to exchange textual content between applications over HTTP protocol.
spatial data Data which is directly or indirectly linked to a certain position or geographical area.
spatial data services Services that can be provided using a computer program on spatial data contained within spatial data sets or on linked metadata.
spatial data set A type of source consisting of collection of individual items that have been collected and/or compiled from existing sources for the purpose of creating new information.
spatial data set arrays A collection of spatial data sets that are made to the same specification or that have similar characteristics.
spatial data source Spatial data set, a set of spatial data sets or spatial data services.
spatial information infrastructure Implies metadata, spatial data collections and services, network services and technologies, joint use, access and use agreements and mechanisms for coordination and supervision, established processes and procedures, which are managed or which are made available in accordance with the NSDI Act.
spatial object Abstract depiction of an occurrence from the real world related to a certain position or geographical area.
source Information source (resource) that has a direct or indirect link with a specific place or geographic area.
third party Any physical or legal person other than a public authority.
unauthorized use Every use contrary to the provisions of the Agreement on exchange, access and use of spatial data.
units of regional and local self-government The units of local self-government are municipalities and cities, while the units of regional self-government are counties.
unofficial data Data created through daily business within the limits of authority for which a legal or physical person is registered, and which have not been checked or verified by the competent public authority.
use for scientific and research needs Implies use for scientific educational needs, exclusively as a teaching tool, or for scientific and research work which cannot be commercial or commercially funded.
Web Coverage Service - WCS A standard that allows to download raster data via the Internet.
Web Feature Service - WFS A standard that allows downloading spatial data stored in different formats and sources, based on defined criteria.
Web Map Service - WMS A standard for dynamically sharing spatial data over the Internet where data is published in the form of geocoded digital image files.
Web Map Tile Service - WMTS A standard for sharing predefined spatial data (in terms of content, coverage and resolution) in the form of geocoded image files.