NSDI Council is a body which implements the National Spatial Data Infrastructure within the Republic of Croatia and coordinates the activities of NSDI subjects within the scope and with rights and obligations determined by the Law on National Spatial data infrastructure (NN 56/13, 52/18, 50/20)
NSDI Board is comprised of:
- three representatives of the NSDI Council,
- three representatives of the National contact point,
- Heads of workgroups appointed by the NSDI Council.
There are three implemented workgroups at the operational level, dealing with specialized tasks:
- Workgroup for NSDI technical standards,
- Workgroup for NSDI capacity building,
- Workgroup for NSDI spatial data.
Besides the workgroups, there are many projects at the operational level dealing with specific tasks and questions within the scope of NSDI.
State Geodetic Administration manages the tasks of the NSDI Council Secretariat, coordinating all NSDI bodies and providing technical support.