The new cycle of workshops includes the 24th, 27th and 28th NSDI workshops which will be held on 9, 16 and 18 March 2021, through the virtual platform Microsoft Teams within the project "Capacity building for the establishment of the NSDI" which is co-financed by European Social Fund. These workshops are intended for the representatives of local and regional self-government units who could not participate in the first cycle of workshops held in the period 2.-11. February 2021.

The purpose of these workshops is to get acquainted with the NSDI and its legal regulations defined by the NSDI Act (OG 56/13, 52/18, 50/20), and the obligations arising from this Act. Through a series of lectures, the procedure for reporting subjects and sources of spatial data from their jurisdiction to the NSDI will be presented. In this process, the first step is represented by the NSDI Registers, followed by the registration of spatial data sources on the NSDI Geoportal and the entry of metadata in the NSDI Metadata Catalog. Special emphasis will be on network services, which will be treated separately, as a basic obligation for the NSDI subjects that under their jurisdiction have existing sets or series of spatial data sets. The GeoHrvatska browser will also be presented, as one of the basic products of the NSDI.
In addition to the lectures, each workshop will include as a basic element interaction with the participants, ie a short questionnaire, the purpose of which is to obtain feedback from the representatives of local and regional self-government units on the knowledge and understanding of the NSDI. The estimated duration of each workshops is two hours.
These workshops will be held within the implementation of the project "Capacity building for the establishment of the NSDI" which is co-financed by the European Social Fund. One of the main goals of this project is to include local and regional self-government units that under their jurisdiction have spatial data in the NSDI, and to raise knowledge about the NSDI at the local, regional and national level in order to provide better services.
If you are interested in participating in one of the workshops from the new cycle, please contact us at