The workshop was opened by Damir Šantek, PhD, director general of the State Geodetic Administration, who on that occasion emphasized the important role of the SGA at the level of the European Union, which is to consolidate and distribute spatial data of all the state bodies of the Republic of Croatia. He also stressed the importance of the availability of spatial data under the jurisdiction of public authorities of the Republic of Croatia, not only to business users but also to citizens.
The participants were also welcomed by Ljerka Marić, MsC, Head of the Spatial Data Infrastructure Sector, who greeted all participants and introduced the NSDI Service, responsible for the implementation of the NSDI Act (OG 56/13, 52/18, 50/20), and on this occasion she also stressed the need to make spatial data available in an interoperable way. Those present were also greeted by Tomislav Ciceli, MsC, who briefly presented the project and its elements, and the program of the 24th NSDI workshop.
The purpose of these workshops is to facilitate the representatives of local and regional self-government units in the process of registering subjects in the Register of NSDI Subjects, and reporting spatial data sources from their jurisdiction in the Register of NSDI Spatial Data Sources, as well as in the NSDI Metadata Catalog on the NSDI Geoportal. Lectures on these topics, as well as on the establishment and development of the NSDI, and the development of network services that represent one of the basic obligations of NSDI subjects under the NSDI Act (OG 56/13, 52/18, 50/20), were held by Tomislav Ciceli, MsC, Tanja Rodin, MsC and Iva Gašparović, PhD.
Participants of this workshop had the opportunity to participate in a discussion and in a short interaction, achieved through a questionnaire, the purpose of which was to obtain feedback from participants on the knowledge and understanding of spatial data and NSDI. The responses showed that a large number of participants have not yet met with the NSDI Geoportal, one of the basic products and obligations of the NSDI, which indicates the need to hold such workshops.

The State Geodetic Administration also plans to hold additional workshops, which will be focused on practical work in order to facilitate the NSDI subjects in the process of reporting spatial data sources from their jurisdiction to the NSDI, and to ensure their further independent work in order to maintain and update them.