As a part of announced conference, "13th NSDI and INSPIRE day" will be also held on October 20, as well as workshop for NSDI subjects that will be held the day before.
The conference is a traditional form of annual gathering of all significant stakeholders in the field of spatial data infrastructure and a stronghold for discussion, exchange of views and experiences and review of the current situation, and aims to contribute to the development of National Spatial Data Infrastructure and achieve the goals of INSPIRE.
Participation in the conference is free of charge (no registration fee). Registration for participation on the conference is available via the registration form. Due to the limited number of participation places, the possibility of registration will be open up to full capacity are filled. Exceptionally, in case of unfavorable development of the epidemiological situation in the Republic of Croatia, which would result in limiting the gathering of a larger number of people, the conference will be held according to a hybrid model (live and "online").
The State Geodetic Administration invites all interested authors to present their works at the conference and to submit abstracts (up to 300 words) by September 10, 2022 via the application form.
Detailed information about the conference (organizing committee, program, invited lectures and round table) will be published in the second announcement at the end of September 2022.