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First work programme under the ISA² programme adopted

On 19 April, the College of Commissioners of the European Commission adopted the first work programme under the new ISA² programme. The EUR 131 million programme, which runs from 2016 to 2020, supports the development of interoperability solutions for the modernisation of public administrations across Europe.
Member States and Commission services have submitted 52 proposals for funding, of which 39 have been taken up in the 2016 work programme, with a total budget of roughly EUR 24 million. The actions are partly a continuation of those started under the predecessor programme ISA, and partly new ones.
The ISA² actions are grouped in the work programme into nine packages:
  • Key and generic interoperability enablers (6 actions)
  • Semantic interoperability (3 actions)
  • Access to data / data sharing / open data (5 actions)
  • Geospatial solutions (1 action)
  • e-Procurement / e-Invoicing (1 action)
  • Decision making and legislation (6 actions)
  • EU policies (3 actions)
  • Supporting instruments for public administrations (12 actions)
  • Accompanying measures (2 actions).
For detailed information on the new work programme please click here.
For a financial overview please click here.