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Overview of the time frame for establishing INSPIRE. The initial year of establishment is 2010, and the anticipated year of completion of the establishment is 2021.
Blue rhombus. Within the timeframe for the establishment of INSPIRE, it represents the deadline within which metadata discovery should be available for spatial data sets and services. The deadline for Annex I and Annex II is December 3, 2010, and for Annex III on December 3, 2013. Discovery metadata shall be available for spatial data sets and services.
Pink rhombus. Within the time frame for the establishment of INSPIRE, it represents the deadline within which spatial data sets should be available for discovery and view on the INSPIRE geoportal. The deadline for Annex I and Annex II is November 9, 2011, and for Annex III December 3, 2013. Spatial data sets shall be available for discovery and view from the INSPIRE geoportal (data does not yet need to be conformant to IR-ISDSS).
Orange rhombus. Within the time frame for the establishment of INSPIRE, it represents the deadline within which spatial data sets must be available for download and transformation on the INSPIRE geoportal. For Annex I and Annex II the deadline is 28.12.2012, and for Annex III 03.12.2013. Spatial data sets shall be available for download and transformation (whenever applicable1) from the INSPIRE geo-portal (Data does not yet need to be conformant to IR-ISDSS2).
Light green rhombus. Within the timeframe for the establishment of INSPIRE, represents the deadline within which newly collected and extensively restructured spatial data sets must be confromant to IR-ISDSS and be available through network services. The deadline for Annex I is 23.11.2012, and for Annex II and Annex III 21.10.2015. Newly collected and extensively restructured spatial data sets shall be conformant to IR-ISDSS (incl. metadata for interoperability) and available through network services.
Dark green rhombus. Within the timeframe for the establishment of INSPIRE, it represents the deadline within which all spatial data sets must be conformant to IR-ISDSS and be available through network services. The deadline for AnnexI is 23.11.2017, and for Annex II and Annex III 21.10.2020. All spatial data sets shall be conformant to IR-ISDSS (incl. matadata for interoperability) and available through network services.
Bright red rhombus. Within the timeframe for the establishment of the INSPIRE, it represents the deadline by which all invocable spatial services shall be conformant to Annex V of IR-ISDSS. For Annex I, II and III the deadline is 10.12.2015.
All invocable spatial services shall be conformant to Annex V of IR-ISDSS (incl. metadata). 
Medium red rhombus. Within the timeframe for the establishment of the INSPIRE, it represents the deadline by which invocable spatial data serveices related to the newly connected and extensively restructured spatial data sets shall be conformant to Annex VI and VII of IR-ISDSS. For Annex I, II and III, the deadline is 10.12.2016. Invocable spatial data services related to newly collected and extesively restructured spatial sata sets shall be conformant to Annexes VI and (where practicable) VII of IR-ISDSS (incl. metadata).
Red rhombus. Within the timeframe for the establishment of the INSPIRE, it represents the deadline within which all invocable spatial data services shall be conformant to Annexes VI and VII of IR-ISDSS. All invocable spatial data services shall be conformant to Annexes VI and (where practicable) VII of IR-ISDSS (incl.metadata).

IR-ISDSS= Implementing Rules on interoperability of spatial data sets and services (Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1089/2010) including its amendments Regulations (EU) No. 102/20111253/2013 i 1312/2014.

1  Transformation Services only need to be provided if data sets are not made conformant with the IR-ISDSS by some other means (see Art. 7(3) of the INSPIRE Directive)

2  With the exception of newly collected and extensively restructured Annex I data sets, which already have to be compliant with the IR-ISDSS by 23/11/2012