On March 13th 2019 a third virtual meeting of the working subgroup for Monitoring and Reporting on the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive for 2019 was held. The process of Monitoring and Reporting on the implementation of the INSPIRE directive remains the same as in the previous years. In practice, nothing changes for Monitoring while the only change in Reporting is replacing the three-year report by updating the "State of Play" chapter in the 2016 Country Fiche. Deadline for Monitoring and Reporting remains May 15th, 2019.
Workgroup members have created and accepted a new code list for spatial data coverage that will be translated and implemented in the INSPIRE Registry. They have also unanimously accepted the idea of introducing two levels of compliance (basic and advanced) in the new Monitoring and Reporting process. Five member states participated in testing a new tool for updating the action reports that will be used next year and the overall impression is positive.
The adoption of the new Regulation on Monitoring and Reporting is expected in April 2019, while the first exercise of the new monitoring and reporting system will be in December 2019.