On September 26th 2019, the Government of the Republic of Croatia, at its 180th session, adopted the Conclusion on the adoption of the Report on activities for the establishment, maintenance and development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure for 2018. As stated in the Conclusion „There is visible progress in the establishment of NSDI, which is particularly evident in greater availability of public sector spatial data in a transparent and interoperable way”, and it is proposed that the Government of the Republic of Croatia adopts the Report in question.
State Geodetic Administration made a proposal for the Report on activities for the establishment, maintenance and development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure for 2018, in accordance with the obligations of the NSDI Act (OG 56/13, 52/18) and submitted it to the NSDI Council for acceptance and then to the Government of the Republic of Croatia for adoption.
Report on activities for the establishment, maintenance and development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure for period 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2018 provides an overview of the legal, institutional and enforcement activities under the NSDI which are based in Directive 2007/2/EZ establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial InfoRmation in Europe (INSPIRE Directive). Furthermore, the report shows a comparison of the number of NSDI subjects and spatial data resources for 2017 and 2018, which shows progress in establishing NSDI. It is particularly important to highlight the progress in the growth of network services during 2018, which have increased over 88% than in 2017.