A workshop organized by the Joint Research Center (JRC) on the reference INSPIRE validator was held on October 1 and 2, 1019, in Ispra, Italy. The workshop was intended for national coordinators and developers who use the INSPIRE Validator on a daily basis in their work to meet the requirements of the INSPIRE Directive and provide support to NSDI entities. Approximately 30 participants from fifteen Member States attended the workshop. Tanja Rodin attended the workshop as a representative of the National Contact Point for INSPIRE in Croatia.
The workshop was organized in two days, the first day for users of the application, which presented the web interface and testing capabilities, while the second day was devoted to open source software on which the application is based and the architecture of the entire system.
The Joint Research Center continues to work on improving and developing tools as well as supporting Member States in the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive.