Nr. | Name / Role name | Review | Designation |
Croatian |
EPSG code
Code space= urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG |
Description | |
Area: HR Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates: X, Y, Z |
001 |
4888 |
Croatian Terrestrial Reference System 1996 with ETRS89 datum, for the area of Croatia. Three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates (X, Y, Z). | |
Area: HR Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates: φ, λ, h |
HTRS96 -GRS80h |
002 | 4889 GeodeticCRS (geographic 3D) |
Croatian Terrestrial Reference System 1996 with ETRS89 datum, for the area of Croatia. Three-dimensional geodetic coordinates. Geodetic latitude, longitude and altitude on the GRS80 ellipsoid. | ||
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D Projection: no Coordinates: φ, λ |
HTRS96 -GRS80 |
003 |
4761 GeodeticCRS (geographic 2D) |
Croatian Terrestrial Reference System 1996 with ETRS89 datum, for the area of Croatia. Two-dimensional geodetic coordinates. Geodetic latitude and longitude on the GRS80 ellipsoid. | ||
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D Projection: TM Coordinates: E, N |
HTRS96 -TM |
004 | 3765 ProjectedCRS |
Croatian Terrestrial Reference System 1996, transverse Mercator projection, for cadastral needs and with detailed cartography for the area of Croatia with ETRS89 datum. Two-dimensional (E,N) reference system in the plane of projection with one mapping zone and the central meridian 16.5° east of Greenwich, linear mapping scale along the central meridian is 0.9999, shift eastward 500 000 m. | ||
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D Projection: LCC Coordinates: E, N |
005 | 3766 ProjectedCRS |
Croatian Terrestrial Reference System 1996, transverse Mercator projection, for cadastral needs and with detailed cartography for the area of Croatia with ETRS89 datum. Two-dimensional (E,N) reference system in the plane of projection with one mapping zone and the central meridian 16.5° east of Greenwich, linear mapping scale along the central meridian is 0.9999, shift eastward 500 000 m. | |
HTRS96/UTM 33N |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D Projection: UTM Coordinates: E, N |
HTRS96 -UTM33n |
006 | 3767 ProjectedCRS |
Croatian Terrestrial Reference System 1996, transverse Mercator projection, for cadastral needs and with detailed cartography for the area of Croatia with ETRS89 datum. Two-dimensional (E,N) reference system in the plane of projection with one mapping zone and the central meridian 16.5° east of Greenwich, linear mapping scale along the central meridian is 0.9999, shift eastward 500 000 m. | |
HTRS96/UTM 34N |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D Projection: UTM Coordinates:E,N |
HTRS96 -UTM34n |
007 | 3768 ProjectedCRS |
Croatian Terrestrial Reference System 1996, Universal transverse Mercator projection for zone 34N for the area of Croatia. Two-dimensional reference system for use on the Croatian territory. | |
HDKS1901/XYZ |
Area: HR Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates:X,Y,Z |
HDKS1901 -XYZ |
008 | Croatian Terrestrial Reference System 1996, Universal transverse Mercator projection for zone 34N for the area of Croatia. Two-dimensional reference system for use on the Croatian territory. | ||
HDKS1901/Bessel_3D |
Area: HR Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates:φ, λ, h |
009 | Croatian Terrestrial Reference System 1996, Universal transverse Mercator projection for zone 34N for the area of Croatia. Two-dimensional reference system for use on the Croatian territory. | ||
HDKS1901/Bessel_2D (MGI1901) |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D Projection: no Coordinates:φ, λ |
010 | Croatian Terrestrial Reference System 1996, Universal transverse Mercator projection for zone 34N for the area of Croatia. Two-dimensional reference system for use on the Croatian territory. | ||
MGI 1901/ Balkans zone 5 |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D Projection: GK5 Coordinates: X, Y |
HDKS1901 -GK5 |
011 |
3907 |
Croatian Terrestrial Reference System 1996, Universal transverse Mercator projection for zone 34N for the area of Croatia. Two-dimensional reference system for use on the Croatian territory. | |
MGI 1901/Balkans zone 6 |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D Projection: GK6 Coordinates: X, Y |
HDKS1901 -GK6 |
012 |
3908 |
Croatian Terrestrial Reference System 1996, Universal transverse Mercator projection for zone 34N for the area of Croatia. Two-dimensional reference system for use on the Croatian territory. | |
HVRS71 | Area: HR Dimensions: 1D Projection: no Coordinates: H |
HVRS71 | 013 | 5610 VerticalCRS |
Croatian Vertical Reference System 1971 for the area of Croatia. Linked to five mareographs along the Adriatic coast. Normal orthometric heights system. | |
HVRS1875 | Area: HR Dimensions: 1D Projection: no Coordinates: H |
HVRS1875 | 014 | Croatian Vertical Reference System 1875 for the area of Croatia. Used in the former Yugoslavia. Linked to a mareograph in Trieste. Normal orthometric heights system. | ||
HDKS1901/GK1630 |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D Projection: no Coordinates: X, Y |
HDKS1901 -GK1630 |
015 | Croatian National Coordinate System 1901 in the Gauss-Krüger projection for the area of Croatia. The territory of Croatia is mapped in one zone with a central meridian 16.5° east of Greenwich, linear mapping scale along the central meridian is 0.9997. This reference system never became official, but was used intensively until the appearance of new official coordinate reference system, HTRS96/TM. | ||
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D+1D Projection: TM Coordinates: E, N, H |
016 |
Compound reference system for the area of Croatia. Consists of the two-dimensional (E, N) Croatian Terrestrial Reference System 1996 in transverse Mercator projection and one-dimensional Croatian Vertical Reference System 1971. |
HTRS96/TM +HVRS1875 |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D+1D Projection: TM Coordinates: E, N, H |
HTRS96 -TM /HVRS1875 |
017 | Compound reference system for the area of Croatia. Consists of the two-dimensional (E, N) Croatian Terrestrial Reference System 1996 in transverse Mercator projection and one-dimensional Croatian Vertical Reference System 1875 (mareograph Trieste). | ||
18 |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D+1D Projection: TM Coordinates: E, N, h |
HTRS96 -TM/HTRS96 -GRS80h |
018 | Compound reference system for the area of Croatia. Consists of the two-dimensional (E, N) Croatian Terrestrial Reference System 1996 in transverse Mercator projection and the one-dimensional Ellipsoidal GRS80 Reference System . | ||
19 |
HTRS96/GRS80_2D +HVRS71 |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D+1D Projection: no Coordinates: φ, λ, h |
HTRS96 -GRS80 /HVRS71 |
019 | Compound reference system for the area of Croatia. Consists of the two-dimensional (E, N) Croatian Terrestrial Reference System 1996 in transverse Mercator projection and the one-dimensional Ellipsoidal GRS80 Reference System . | ||
20 |
HTRS96/GRS80_2D +HVRS1875 |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D+1D Projection: no Coordinates: φ, λ, H |
HTRS96 -GRS80 /HVRS1875 |
020 | Compound reference system for the area of Croatia. Consists of the two-dimensional (E, N) Croatian Terrestrial Reference System 1996 in transverse Mercator projection and the one-dimensional Ellipsoidal GRS80 Reference System . | ||
HDKS1901/GK5 + HVRS1875 |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D+1D Projection: TM Coordinates: X, Y, H |
HDKS1901 -GK5 / HVRS1875 |
021 |
Compound reference system for the area of Croatia. Consists of the two-dimensional Croatian National Coordinate System 1901 in the Gauss-Krüger projection, 5th zone, and the one-dimensional Croatian Vertical Reference System 1875 (mareograph Trieste). |
HDKS1901/GK6 +HVRS1875 |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D+1D Projection: GK6 Coordinates: X, Y, H |
HDKS1901 -GK6 / HVRS1875 |
022 |
Compound reference system for the area of Croatia. Consists of the two-dimensional Croatian National Coordinate System 1901 in the Gauss-Krüger projection, 6thzone, and the one-dimensional Croatian Vertical Reference System 1875 (mareograph Trieste). |
HDKS1901/GK5 +HVRS71 |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D+1D Projection: GK, 5 zona Coordinates: X, Y, H |
HDKS1901 -GK5 / HVRS71 |
023 | Compound reference system for the area of Croatia. Consists of the two-dimensional Croatian National Coordinate System 1901 in the Gauss-Krüger projection, 5 th zone, and the one-dimensional Croatian Vertical Reference System 1971. | ||
HDKS1901/GK6 +HVRS71 |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D+1D Projection: GK5 Coordinates: X, Y, H |
HDKS1901 -GK6 / HVRS71 |
024 | Compound reference system for the area of Croatia. Consists of the two-dimensional Croatian National Coordinate System 1901 in the Gauss-Krüger projection, 6thzone, and the one dimensional Croatian Vertical Reference System 1971. | ||
HDKS1901/Bessel 2D +HVRS1875 |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D+1D Projection: GK5 Coordinates: X, Y, H |
HDKS1901 -BESSEL /HVRS1875 |
025 | Compound reference system for the area of Croatia. Consists of the two-dimensional ellipsoidal Croatian National Coordinate System 1901 using the ellipsoid Bessel 1841 and the one-dimensional Croatian Vertical Reference System 1875 (mareograph Trieste). | ||
HDKS1901/Bessel 2D +HVRS71 |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D+1D Projection: no Coordinates: φ, λ, H |
026 | Compound reference system for the area of Croatia. Consists of the two-dimensional ellipsoidal Croatian National Coordinate System 1901 using the ellipsoid Bessel 1841 and the one-dimensional Croatian Vertical Reference System 1971. | ||
HDKS1901/GK5 +HDKS1901/Bessel |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D+1D Projection: GK5 Coordinates: X, Y, h |
HDKS1901 -GK5 / HDKS1901 -BESSELh |
027 | Compound reference system for the area of Croatia. Consists of the two-dimensional Croatian National Coordinate System 1901 in the Gauss-Krüger projection, 5th zone, and the one-dimensional ellipsoidal system using the ellipsoid Bessel 1841. | ||
HDKS1901/GK6 +HDKS1901/Bessel |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D+1D Projection: GK6 Coordinates: X, Y, h |
HDKS1901 -GK6 / HDKS1901 -BESSELh |
028 | Compound reference system for the area of Croatia. Consists of the two-dimensional Croatian National Coordinate System 1901 in the Gauss-Krüger projection, 6th zone, and the ellipsoidal system with datum HDKS1901 using the ellipsoid Bessel 1841. | ||
HDKS1901/GK1630 +HVRS71 |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D+1D Projection: no Coordinates: X, Y, H |
HDKS1901 -GK1630 / HVRS71 |
029 |
Compound reference system for the area of Croatia with one mapping zone which consists two-dimensional Croatian National Coordinate System 1901 in the Gauss-Krüger projection with the central meridian 16.5 ° east of Greenwich and linear scale mapping along the central meridian 0.9996 and Croatian height reference system 1875 (tide gauge in Trieste). |
HDKS1901/GK1630 +HVRS1875 |
Area: HR Dimensions: 2D+1D Projection: no Coordinates: X, Y, H |
HDKS1901 -GK1630 / HVRS1875 |
030 |
Compound reference system for the area of Croatia. Consists of the two-dimensional Croatian National Coordinate System 1901 in the Gauss-Krüger projection with a central meridian 16.5° east of Greenwich, linear mapping scale along the central meridian and the Croatian Vertical Reference System 1875 linked to the Trieste mareograph. |
Area: Europa Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates: X, Y, Z |
031 |
4936 GeodeticCRS (geocentric) |
European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 for the territory of Europe. Pan-European Terrestrial Reference System with the ETRS89 datum and 3D Cartesian coordinates. | ||
Area: Europa Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates: φ, λ, h |
ETRS89 -GRS80h |
032 |
4937 GeodeticCRS (geographic 3D) |
European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 for the territory of Europe. Pan-European Terrestrial Reference System with the ETRS89 datum and 3D GRS80 ellipsoidal coordinates. | ||
ETRS89/GRS80_2D |
Area: Europa Dimensions: 2D Projection: no Coordinates: φ, λ |
ETRS89 -GRS80 |
033 |
4258 |
European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 for the territory of Europe. Pan-European Terrestrial Reference System with the ETRS89 datum and two-dimensional GRS80 ellipsoidal coordinates. |
Area: Europa (dio Hrvatske) Dimensions: 3D Projection: TM Coordinates: E, N |
ETRS89 -TM33 |
034 | 3045 |
European Terrestrial Reference System 1989, Transverse Mercator Projection. Pan-European Terrestrial Reference System with the ETRS89 datum and two-dimensional coordinates (E, N) in the plane of projection. |
Area: Europa (dio Hrvatske) Dimensions: 3D Projection: TM Coordinates: E, N |
ETRS89 -TM34 |
035 | 3046 |
European Terrestrial Reference System 1989, Transverse Mercator Projection, 34 zone (area of Croatia) from 18° to 24° east from Greenwich. Pan-European Terrestrial Reference System with the ETRS89 datum and two-dimensional coordinates in the plane of projection. ETRS89-TMzn, where the zn is zone mark from 26 to 39 with according EPSG codes from 3038 to 3051. |
Area: Europa Dimensions: 1D Projection: no Coordinates: H |
EVRF2000 -NH |
036 |
5730 VerticalCRS |
Area: Europa Dimensions: 1D Projection: no Coordinates: H |
EVRF2007 -NH |
037 | European Vertical Reference Frame 2007. Pan-European Normal Orthometric Heights System. Heights according to the mareograph in Amsterdam (NAP), based on UELN_2008 levelling network. | |||
Area: Europa Dimensions: 1D Projection: no Coordinates: GN |
EVRF2007 -CP |
038 | European Vertical Reference Frame 2007. Pan-European Geopotential Heights System. Heights according to the mareograph in Amsterdam (NAP), based on UELN_2008 levelling network. | |||
Area: Europa Dimensions: 1D Projection: no Coordinates: GN |
EVRF2000 -CP |
039 | European Vertical Reference Frame 2000. Pan-European Geopotential Heights System. Heights according to the mareograph in Amsterdam (NAP), based on UELN_95/98 levelling network. | |||
Area: Europa Dimensions: 2D Projection: LCC Coordinates: E, N |
040 | 3034 ProjectedCRS |
European Terrestrial Reference System 1989, Lambert Conformal Conic Projection. Pan-European Terrestrial Reference System with the ETRS89 datum and 2D coordinates in the plane of projection. | ||
Area: Europa Dimensions: 2D Projection: LAEA Coordinates: E, N |
041 | 3035 ProjectedCRS |
European Terrestrial Reference System 1989, Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Projection. Pan-European Terrestrial Reference System with the ETRS89 datum and 2D coordinates in the plane of projection. | ||
42 |
ETRS89+ EVRF2000/NH |
Area: Europa Dimensions: 2D+1D Projection:no Coordinates: φ, λ, H |
ETRS89 /EVRF2000 -NH |
042 |
7409 CompoundCRS |
Compound reference system for the area of Europe. Consists of the two-dimensional European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 in relation to the GRS80 ellipsoid and European Vertical Reference Frame 2000. | |
ETRS89+ EVRF2007/NH |
Area: Europa Dimensions: 2D+1D Projection: no Coordinates: φ, λ, H |
ETRS89 /EVRF2007 -NH |
043 |
7423 CompoundCRS |
Compound reference system for the area of Europe. Consists of the two-dimensional European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 in relation to the GRS80 ellipsoid and European Vertical Reference Frame 2000. | |
Area: Europa Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates:X,Y,Z |
044 | European Terrestrial Reference System 1990 for the territory of Europe. Pan-European Terrestrial Reference System with three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates. | ||
Area: Europa Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates:X,Y,Z |
045 | European Terrestrial Reference System 1991 for the territory of Europe. Pan-European Terrestrial Reference System with three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates. | ||
Area: Europa Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates:X,Y,Z |
046 | European Terrestrial Reference System 1992 for the territory of Europe. Pan-European Terrestrial Reference System with three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates. | ||
Area: Europa Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates:X,Y,Z |
047 | European Terrestrial Reference System 1993 for the territory of Europe. Pan-European Terrestrial Reference System with three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates. | ||
Area: Europa Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates:X,Y,Z |
048 | European Terrestrial Reference System 1994 for the territory of Europe. Pan-European Terrestrial Reference System with three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates. | ||
Area: Europa Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates:X,Y,Z |
049 | European Terrestrial Reference System 1996 for the territory of Europe. Pan-European Terrestrial Reference System with three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates. | ||
Area: Europa Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates:X,Y,Z |
050 | European Terrestrial Reference System 1997 for the territory of Europe. Pan-European Terrestrial Reference System with three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates. | ||
ETRS2000/XYZ |
Area: Europa Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates:X,Y,Z |
ETRS2000 -XYZ |
051 | European Terrestrial Reference System 2000 for the territory of Europe. Pan-European Terrestrial Reference System with three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates. | ||
Area: Globalni Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates: X, Y, Z |
052 |
4910 GeodeticCRS (geocentric) |
International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1988 for the area of the Earth. Three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. | |
Area: Globalni Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates: X, Y, Z |
053 | 4911 GeodeticCRS (geocentric) |
International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1989 for the area of the Earth. Three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. | |
Area: Globalni Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates: X, Y, Z |
054 | 4912 GeodeticCRS (geocentric) |
International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1990 for the area of the Earth. Three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. | |
Area: Globalni Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates: X, Y, Z |
055 | 4913 GeodeticCRS (geocentric) |
International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1991 for the area of the Earth. Three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. | |
Area: Globalni Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates: X, Y, Z |
056 | 4914 GeodeticCRS (geocentric) |
International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1992 for the area of the Earth. Three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. | |
Area: Globalni Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates: X, Y, Z |
057 | 4915 GeodeticCRS (geocentric) |
International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1993 for the area of the Earth. Three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. | |
Area: Globalni Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates: X, Y, Z |
058 | 4916 GeodeticCRS (geocentric |
International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1994 for the area of the Earth. Three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. | |
Area: Globalni Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates: X, Y, Z |
059 | 4917 GeodeticCRS (geocentric) |
International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1996 for the area of the Earth. Three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. | |
Area: Globalni Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates: X, Y, Z |
060 | 4918 GeodeticCRS (geocentric) |
International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1997 for the area of the Earth. Three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. | |
ITRF2000/XYZ |
Area: Globalni Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates: X, Y, Z |
ITRF2000 -XYZ |
061 | 4919 GeodeticCRS (geocentric) |
International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000 for the area of the Earth. Three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. | |
ITRF2005/XYZ |
Area: Globalni Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates: X, Y, Z |
ITRF2005 -XYZ |
062 | 4896 GeodeticCRS (geocentric) |
International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2005 for the area of the Earth. Three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. | |
ITRF2008/XYZ |
Area: Globalni Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates: X, Y, Z |
ITRF2008 -XYZ |
063 | International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2008 for the area of the Earth. Three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. | ||
Area: Globalni Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates: X, Y, Z |
WGS84 -XYZ |
064 | World Geodetic System 1984 for whole Earth (global). Three-dimensional ellipsoid coordinates. | ||
Area: Globalni Dimensions: 3D Projection: no Coordinates: φ, λ, h |
WGS84h | 065 |
4979 GeodeticCRS (geographic 3D) |
World Geodetic System 1984 for the area of the Earth (global). Three-dimensional ellipsoidal coordinates (φ, λ, h) in relation to the WGS84 ellipsoid. | ||
WGS84/2D |
Area: Globalni Dimensions: 2D Projection: no Coordinates: φ, λ |
WGS84 | 066 |
4326 |
World Geodetic System 1984 for the area of the Earth (global). Two-dimensional ellipsoidal coordinates (φ, λ) in relation to the WGS84 ellipsoid. |
Area: Globalni (dio Hrvatske) Dimensions: 2D Projection: UTM Coordinates: E, N |
WGS84 -UTM33N |
067 |
32633 ProjectedCRS |
World Geodetic System 1984 for the area of the Earth in the Universal Transverse Mercator Projection for zone 33N. Two-dimensional coordinates in the plane of projection. | ||
Area: Globalni (dio Hrvatske) Dimensions: 2D Projection: UTM Coordinates: E, N |
WGS84 -UTM34N |
068 |
32634 ProjectedCRS |
World Geodetic System 1984 for the area of the Earth in the Universal Transverse Mercator Projection for zone 34N. Two-dimensional coordinates in the plane of projection. | ||
WGS84 /Pseudo-Mercator Mercator_1SP_Google, WGS84, Simple Mercator, Google Maps Global Mercator, WGS84 Web Mercator -Auxiliary Sphere) |
Area: Globalni Dimensions: 2D Projection: Mercator Coordinates: E, N |
069 |
3857 |
Mercator projection with respect to the sphere. Use Google, OpenLayers, GeoServer, MapServer, OpenStreetMap, Bing, Yahoo, etc. |
CRS:84 (WGS84/2D) |
Area: Globalni Dimensions: 2D Projection: no Coordinates: φ, λ |
CRS:84 | 070 |
World Geodetic System 1984 for the area of the Earth (global). Two-dimensional coordinates in respect of WGS84 ellipsoid. INSPIRE View service (WGS 84) for data beyond continental Europe. |