State Geodetic Administration continue with the activities aimed at including local and regional self-government units in the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) and accordingly organizes the 32nd NSDI workshop entitled "Inclusion in the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)".
Main goals of this NSDI workshop are the inclusion of local and regional self-government units which have spatial data in their competence in the NSDI, raising the level of knowledge about the NSDI and providing better services at the local and regional level.
The purpose of the workshop is to get acquainted with the NSDI and with the legal regulations defined by the NSDI Act (NN 56/13, 52/18, 50/20) and the obligations arising from this Act. Through the lectures the procedure of registration of institutions and sources of spatial data from their jurisdiction in the NSDI will be presented. The first step is to register the institution in the NSDI Registers, followed by the registration of spatial data sources on the NSDI Geoportal and finally the entry of metadata in the NSDI Metadata Catalog.
We invite you to apply to the 32nd NSDI Workshop, which will be held on July 6, 2022 (Wednesday) starting at 9:30 am via the online platform Microsoft Teams. The estimated duration of the workshop is about 2 hours. The NSDI workshop is intended for employees of local and regional self-government units who have not been able to participate in previous workshops dedicated to the inclusion of new subjects in the NSDI (during 2021).
Participation in the workshops is free (no registration fee). For more details contact us by e-mail: