On November 15, 2024, the 11th session of the 7th convocation of the Council of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure was held in the premises of the State Geodetic Administration. The Council was chaired by the President of the Council NSDI, Antonio Šustić, Director General of the State Geodetic Administration.

At the 11th session of the Council NSDI, the last in the mandate of the 7th convocation of the Council NSDI, the NSDI Metadata specifications v.3.1 was proposed and adopted and in accordance with the Council's Work Plan for 2024, a Working Group for Spatial Plans in NSDI was established. Also, in the continuation of the agenda, the Report on the establishment, maintenance and development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure for the period of 01.01.2024. -26.11.2024. was accepted. Given that the 7th convocation of the Council NSDI was appointed for a term of four years, which expires on 26.11.2024., the proposed Report covered precisely the time period of the current convocation of the NSDI Council for the year 2024.

The progress achieved in the increase of registered subjects and sources of spatial data in the NSDI Registers and on the NSDI Geoportal was highlighted in the presentation of this year's Report. Moreover, according to the results of the last year's reporting to the European Commission, we were recognized as an example of good practice based on the progress achieved. During the discussion, the councilors referred to the adoption of a new open data policy, which will include the opening of high-value datasets.

The President of the Council thanked all the members of the 7th convocation of the NSDI Council for their active participation in the work of the Council. He also stated that the procedure for appointing a new convocation of the Council NSDI has been initiated, which will be referred to the appointment upon receipt of all members' proposals, in accordance with the NSDI Act (OG 56/13, 52/18, 50/20) to the Government of the Republic of Croatia.