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Resource abstract

Name Resource abstract 
Definition Brief narrative summary of the resource content.
  • dataset or dataset series: mandatory 
  • service: mandatory
Multiplicity [1]
Example Register of geographic names contains geographic names on the territory of Croatia from official maps and other original official sources. The Register contains the names of counties, cities/municipalities, inhabited places, UNESCO cultural heritage in Croatia, airports, national parks, nature parks and other protected natural areas, sheets names of new topographic maps, names from EuroGlobalMap v.3.0. etc. Also, the names of all islands, rivers, lakes, mountains, peaks and other dominant geographic features in line with the scale are included. Position data are given in the HTRS96/TM reference system.
Digital data of cadastral parcels and cadastral municipalities were created by translating analog scale plans from 1: 500 to 1: 5808 into digital form.
The abstract serves to give a potential user a clear insight into the nature of data. Description should be complete and concise. In making an abstract, all needs of a potential user should be taken into consideration. It is desirable to use words and expression a potential user is expected to use in searching. The first sentence and the first 100 words are the most important in the search process. For the spatial data service, information on the limitation of the service in relation to the spatial resolution must also be provided in the source summary.

The limitation of services related to spatial resolution cannot be expressed in this or a similar way in the current version of the ISO 19119 standard. Until the matter is resolved by the standardization community, the spatial resolution limitations for services must be expressed in the Resoruce abstract metadata element.

Technical data
INSPIRE equivalent none
Comparison with INSPIRE equivalent
ISO equivalent [25] abstract
Comparison with ISO equivalent
XPath identificationInfo/*/abstract
Data type character string
Domain free text
Implementation instruction none

Encoding example
                 <gco:CharacterString>Registar geografskih imena sadrži geografska imena na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske sa službenih karata i drugih službenih izvornika. Registar sadrži imena županija, gradova/općina, naselja, UNESCO kulturne baštine Republike Hrvatske, zračnih luka, nacionalnih parkova, parkova prirode i ostalih zaštićenih prirodnih objekata, listova novih topografskih karata, imena iz EuroGlobalMap v.3.0. i dr. Također se nastojalo uvesti imena svih otoka, rijeka, jezera, planina, vrhova i ostalih dominantnih geografskih objekata sukladno mjerilu. Podaci o položaju su dani u HTRS96/TM referentnom sustavu.</gco:CharacterString>

Encoding example: Indicating service constraints related to spatial resolution in the resource abstract
                 <gco:CharacterString>Osnovna prostorna jedinica katastra nekretnina je katastarska čestica. Katastarska čestica je dio područja katastarske općine, odnosno katastarskog područja na moru određen brojem katastarske čestice i njezinim granicama. Katastarska općina je katastarska prostorna jedinica za koju se izrađuje katastarski operat. Katastarska općina u pravilu obuhvaća područje jednog naseljenog mjesta s pripadajućim zemljištem. Jedno naseljeno mjesto (naselje) može biti podijeljeno na više katastarskih općina odnosno jedna katastarska općina može obuhvaćati više naselja. Digitalni podaci katastarskih čestica i katastarskih općina nastali su prevođenjem analognih planova mjerila od 1:500 do 1:5808 u digitalni oblik.<gco:CharacterString>