Name | Service category: specification |
Definition | Cite the product specifications or user requirements against which the data were evaluated. |
Obligation |
Multiplicity | [1] within one conformity documentation, but there may be multiple conformity documentation |
Example | Title: COMMISION REGULATION (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services Date: 2010-12-08 Date type: published |
To cite the specification, ie the compliance class with which the invoke service is conformant, it is necessary from the table Categories of invocable spatial data services:
The date is defined in accordance with ISO 19108 and ISO 8601 standards. |
Tehnical data
INSPIRE equivalent | Conformity: Specification |
Comparison with INSPIRE | equivalent |
ISO equivalent | [130] specification |
Comparison with ISO | equivalent |
XPath | dataQualityInfo/*/report/*/result/*/specification |
Vrsta podatka | CI_Citation |
Domain | CI_Citation<<DataType>> This class consists of:
Implementation instructions | Information on the specification according to which the level of conformance is determined includes the title and date of publication of the specification. This information is documented using the gmd:DQ_ConformanceResult/gmd:specification/gmd:CI_Citation element, so that in the element:
The date of publication of the specification in gmd:specification/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date element is documented in such a way that in the element:
Encoding example: Documenting invoke service category
<gmd:MD_Metadata... ... <gmd:dataQualityInfo> <gmd:DQ_DataQuality> <gmd:report> <gmd:DQ_DomainConsistency> <gmd:result> <gmd:DQ_ConformanceResult> <gmd:specification> <gmd:CI_Citation> <gmd:title> <gmx:Anchor xlink:href="" xlink:title="Metadata for invocable spatial data services">invocable</gmx:Anchor> </gmd:title> <gmd:date> <gmd:CI_Date> <gmd:date> <gco:Date>2016-05-01</gco:Date> </gmd:date> <gmd:dateType> <gmd:CI_DateTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="publication">published</gmd:CI_DateTypeCode> </gmd:dateType </gmd:CI_Date> </gmd:date> </gmd:CI_Citation> </gmd:specification> <gmd:explanation> <gco:CharacterString>The spatial data service is conformant with the INSPIRE requirements for invocable spatial data services.</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:explanation> <gmd:pass> <gco:Boolean>true</gco:Boolean> </gmd:pass> </gmd:DQ_ConformanceResult> </gmd:result> </gmd:DQ_DomainConsistency> </gmd:report> ... </gmd:DQ_DataQuality> </gmd:dataQualityInfo> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata> |