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State Geodetic Administration logo National Spatial Data Infrastructure logo

Metadata point of contact

Name Metadata point of contact
Definition Organization responsible for metadata.
  • dataset or dataset series: mandatory
  • service: mandatory
Multiplicity [1..*]
Example Organisation: Spatial data infrastructure Sector, State Geodetic Administration 
Role: point of contact
INSPIRE limits the role to a "contact point". Other elements (contact location, postal address, telephone number, fax number, network address) should be listed, but are optional. It is recommended that the full, official name without acronyms and abbreviations is given for the name of the organization, and that the e-mail address of the institution is used, instead of the personal e-mail address.

Technical data
INSPIRE equivalent Metadata point of contact
Comparison with INSPIRE equivalent
ISO equivalent [8] contact
Comparison with ISO equivalent
XPath contact
Data type CI_ResponsibleParty
Domain CI_ResponsibleParty<<DataType>>
  • organisation
  • e-mail
  • role
  • person 
Implementation instructions The role of the organization, ie the value of the gmd: role / gmd: CI_RoleCode element is limited to the contact point ("pointOfContact" XML value) of the ISO 19139 CI_RoleCode.

Encoding example
                 <gco:CharacterString>Spatial data infrastructure Sector, State Geodetic Administration</gco:CharacterString>
                 <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="pointOfContact">contact point</gmd:CI_RoleCode>