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Resource language

Name Resource language
Definition Language/s used within the resource. 
  • dataset or dataset series: conditional; mandatory if the resource contains textual information.
  • service: not applicable.
Multiplicity [0..*]
Example hrv
Text in a dataset or dataset series can be written in multiple languages. In this case, it is needed to specify all the languages ​​used in multiple instances of the gmd:language/gmd:LanguageCode element. The ISO three-letter language codes defined in the ISO 639-2 standard, which can be found at, must be used.

Technical data
INSPIRE equivalent Resource language
Comparison with INSPIRE equivalent
ISO equivalent [39] language
Comparison with ISO equivalent
XPath identificationInfo[1]/*/language
Data type LanguageCode (ISO/TS 19139)
Domain Kodna lista jezika definirana ISO 639-2 normom
Implementation instructions Only three-letter language codes from the ISO 639-2/B (bibliographic codes) standard are used. If the source does not contain textual information, it is necessary to use the "zxx" expression of the ISO 639-2/B code list that specifies this (no linguistic content; not applicable).

The table below shows data for the official EU languages. 

EU languages and XML values 

Name XML value Domain code
Bulgarian bul 001
Czech cze 002
Danish dan 003
English eng 004
Estonian est 005
Finnish fin 006
French fre 007
Greek gre 008
Croatian hrv 009
Irish gle 010
Lithuainian lit 011
Latvian lav 012
Hungarian hun 013
Maltese mlt 014
Dutch dut 015
German ger 016
Polish pol 017
Portugese por 018
Romanian rum 019
Slovak slo 020
Slovenian slv 021
Spanish spa 022
Swedish swe 023
Italian ita 024

Encoding example
                 <gmd:LanguageCode codeList="" codeListValue="hrv">hrvatski</gmd:LanguageCode>