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Quality of service: measurement - description

Name Quality of service: measurement - description
Definition Description of the applied test.
Obligation mandatory for interoperable spatial data services
Multiplicity  [1] for each criteria
Example The longest time required to execute service requests in periods outside the maximum load.
Description of measurement criteria. Each measurement for a particular criteria must contain at least:
  • measurement description,
  • measurement value,
  • unit of measure.

Technical data
INSPIRE equivalent Description
Comparison with INSPIRE equivalent
ISO equivalent [101] measureDescription
Comparison with ISO equivalent
XPath dataQualityInfo/*/report/DQ_ConceptualConsistency/measureDescription
Data type character string (CharacterString)
Domain free text
Implementation instructions The estimated minimum quality of the interoperable spatial data service according to all service quality criteria listed in the table Quality criteria of interoperable spatial data services must be documented. The quality of service according to each of the criteria is documented using the instances gmd:report/gmd:DQ_ConceptualConsistency element, in such a way that the element:
  • gmd:nameOfMeasure documents the name of the criteria,
  • gmd:measureDescription sets a description of the measurement criteria,
  • gmd:result/gmd:DQ_QuantitativeResult documents the value of the measurement criteria.

The name of the criteria in the gmd:nameOfMeasure element is documented by encoding the corresponding value of the INSPIRE QualityOfServiceCriteria code list in the metadata language by expressing it using the gmx:Anchor element.
The criteria measurement value in gmd:DQ_QuantitativeResult element is documented so that the element:
  • gmd:valueUnit documents the unit of measurement of criteria measurement,
  • gmd:value/gco:Record documents the numerical value of the measurement criteria.

Encoding example



                        <gmx:Anchor xlink:href="">performance</gmx:Anchor>
                        <gco:CharacterString>The longest time required to execute service requests in periods outside the maximum load.​</gco:CharacterString>
                            <gmd:valueUnit xlink:href=""/>
                                <gco:Record xmlns:xs="" xsi:type="xs:double">1.56</gco:Record>


