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Name Scope
Definition Specific data to which data quality information relates. Scope describes what the data refers to, with possible values ​​"dataset" or "dataset series".
  • dataset or dataset series: mandatory
Multiplicity [1]
Example dataset
This element specifies the level to which the quality information relates, ie its scope.

Technical data
INSPIRE equivalent Scope
Comparison with INSPIRE equivalent
ISO equivalent [6] level
Comparision with ISO equivalent, but limited to spatial datasets, dataset series and services
XPath level
Data type MD_ScopeCode
Domain MD_ScopeCode<<CodeList>>
Implementation instructions The level to which the quality information relates, ie their scope, must be specified. Data quality must be expressed at the level of the entire data source. Therefore, it is documented using the gmd:scope/gmd:DQ_Scope/gmd:level/gmd:MD_ScopeCode element, in a way that it contains one of the following two values ​​of the ISO 19139 MD_ScopeCode code list, depending on the type of resource:
  • "dataset" for datasets ("dataset" XML value) or
  • "dataset series" for spatial datatset series ("series" XML value).

Encoding example: Specifying scope for the dataset

       <gmd: DQ_DataQuality>

                   <gmd:MD_ScopeCode codeList="" codeListValue="dataset">dataset</gmd:MD_ScopeCode>

