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Coordinate reference system

Name Coordinate reference system
Definition Designation of the coordinate (spatial) reference system of the data source.
  • dataset or dataset series: mandatory 
  • service: mandatory 
Multiplicity [1..*]
Example  Kod:
Kod: 001 
Prostor koda: hr:nipp:crs
Verzija: 1.0
Coordinate reference system documents the coordinate reference system in which data are given. A data resource may use two or more coordinate reference systems, For example, topographic map in scale 1:25000 is using the Croatian Terrestrial Reference System 1996 in Transverse Mercator projection HTRS96/TM) to represent positions in the plane of projection and the Croatian Vertical Reference System (HVRS71) to represent heights. Both reference systems must be documented.

Technical data
INSPIRE equivalent Coordinate Reference System
Comparison with INSPIRE equivalent
ISO equivalent [187] referenceSystemIdentifier
Comparison with ISO equivalent
XPath referenceSystemInfo/*/referenceSystemIdentifier
Data type RS_Identifier
Domain RS_Identifier<<DataType>>;
  • code
  • code space
  • version
Implementation instructions  The coordinate reference system of the data source is specified by specifying:
  • code as the unique identifier of the coordinate reference system, or
  • code, code space, and code space versions that in combination uniquely identify the coordinate reference system.

An initial list of coordinate reference systems is given in the Coordinate Reference Systems table. If the coordinate reference system in which the source data are located is listed, it must be specified using:
  • EPSG code or OGC EPSG unique source code (URI) as a unique identifier of the coordinate reference system, or
  • combinations of NSDI code, "hr: nipp: crs" code space and "1.0" code space version.
If the coordinate reference system is not listed, the metadata editor enters a new value for its spatial data source. Unique identifiers of coordinate reference systems specified by formal, authorized and well-known registers (eg OGC EPSG) must be used.

Source reference systems whose data are georeferenced by means of a geoidentifier are documented by assigning a code as a unique identifier of the reference system, with stating a unique source designation, that is a link to the specification or description of that reference system.

Link on a list of NSDI coordinate reference systems

Encoding example 1: OGC EPSG URI

     <gmd:referenceSystemInfo>          <gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem>
                        <gmx:Anchor xlink:href="">EPSG:3765</gmx:Anchor>

Encoding example 2: Specifiying the NSDI code, code space and code space version

Encoding example 3: URI of the administrative unit of the City of Zagreb
                        <gmx:Anchor xlink:href="">Grad Zagreb</gmx:Anchor>