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Conditions of access and use: use

Name Conditions of access and use: use
Definition Restrictions on the use of the source or metadata.
Obligation Conditional. Mandatory if "Conditions of access and use: access" is not documented.
Multiplicity [0..*] for useConstraints per each MD_LegalConstraints instance
Example other restrictions
Either "Conditions of access and use: access" or "Conditions of access and use: use" should be documented. Only one instance of this element is needed, which must have the value "other restrictions" of the code list, if the element "Conditions of access and use: access" is not documented.

Tehnical data
INSPIRE equivalent Conditions applying to access and use
Comparison with INSPIRE equivalent
ISO equivalent [71] useConstraints
Comparison with ISO equivalent
XPath identificationInfo[1]/*/resourceConstraints/*/useConstraints
Data type MD_RestrictionCode
Domain MD_RestrictionCode<<CodeList>>
Implementation instructions

Conditions for accessing and using spatial data sources are documented using the gmd:resourceConstraints/ gmd:MD_LegalConstraints element in a way that includes:

  • one instance of gmd:accessConstraints/gmd:MD_RestrictionCode element (Conditions of access and use: access) or gmd:useConstraints/gmd:MD_RestrictionCode element (Conditions of access and use: use) which in both cases should contain the value of other restrictions("otherRestrictions" XML value) ISO 19139 MD_RestrictionCode code list,

  • one or more instances of the gmd:otherConstraints element (Conditions of access and use: other restrictions), depending on the number of conditions, where it is necessary to use gmx:Anchor element to specify the appropriate condition and reference to the description of the same:

    • If the conditions of access and use of data sources are not defined or are not known, the same should be documented using the appropriate value from the INSPIRE code list: ConditionsApplyingToAccessAndUse:

      • no conditions for access and use ("noConditionsApply" XML value) if the conditions of access and use are not defined or

      • conditions for access and use unknown ("conditionsUnknown" XML value) if conditions are not known

    • ​In all other cases, when the conditions of access and use are defined or a fee for the use of data sources is provided, it is necessary to provide a textual description of the conditions (in the language of metadata) and a link (URL) to a document or website describing the terms or fees listed, if any

    • In the xlink: href attribute of the gmx: Anchor element, it is necessary to provide a link to the corresponding code list value, ie a description of the condition, and the element content can be the name or definition of the code list value, ie condition information, in metadata language.

It is also recommended that you provide a link (URL) to a document or website that contains information about the license type.


Encoding example: Conditions of access and use - use conditions
                          <gmd:MD_RestrictionCode codeList="" codeListValue="otherRestrictions">other restrictions</gmd:MD_RestrictionCode>
                         <gmx:Anchor xlink:href="">By accessing the website of the Register of Geographical Names of the Republic of Croatia and published data and services, the use accepts the terms of their use.</gmx:Anchor>