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Responsible party role

Name Responsible party role
Definition Role the responsible party has.
  • dataset or dataset series: mandatory
  • service: mandatory
Multiplicity  [1] relatively with respect to the responsible organization, but there may be multiple responsible organizations for a single source.
Example originator
In metadata records, roles and responsibilities occur in different contexts and with different meanings, and it is important not to mix them.

There are no limitations for the number of responsible parties that can be specified to describe different roles and responsibilities. It is required to assign the role that best suits the actual role of the responsible party. Recommendation is to specify several responsible parties, for users to be better informed, which is among the basic principles in the general procedure of responding to requests for information. It is recommended to specify at least four roles: resource contact point, resource stakeholder, resource custodian and resource distributor. It is recommended, where possible, to document data resource owner(s), for it facilitates dealing with potential licence rights and obligations. Identification of those responsible for the data source is important, among other things, for citation and resource indication needs. Personal information referring to external associates related to data resource should not be stated without their written agreement. 

Tehnical data
INSPIRE equivalent Responsible party role
Comparison with INSPIRE equivalent
ISO equivalent [379] role
Usporedba s ISO-om equivalent
XPath identificationInfo[1]/*/pointOfContact/*/role
Data type CI_RoleCode
Domain CI_RoleCode<<CodeList>>
Implementation instructions The role of the responsible party is documented using the gmd: role/gmd:CI_RoleCode element. The roles that can be assigned are limited to the values ​​of the ISO 19139 CI_RoleCode code list. It is necessary to assign the role that best suits the actual role of the responsible party. There is no limit to the number of responsible parties that can be specified to describe the different roles and responsibilities. However, it is important that they are not mixed.

Encoding example
                         <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="originator">originator</gmd:CI_RoleCode>