Deputy director of the State Geodetic Administration g. Vladimir Majetić has greeted the gathered and pointed the importance of spatial data infrastructures and the obligations that Croatia has to the European Commission.

Head of the SDI Sector Ms. Marić opened the workshop and briefly describe the recently completed project "NSDI specification for transformation towards INSPIRE" to the participants which SGA has signed with the Faculty of Geodesy in Zagreb.
Tomislav Ciceli from the National Contact Point, in the introductory part, pointed the INSPIRE implementation roadmap as the fundamental motive for the realization of this workshop, according to which we, as a European Union member states, are required to act.
The project was presented by his leaderprof. Ph.D. Vlado Cetl which was realized together with his co-workers; Hrvoje Tomić, Dragan Divjak, Sasa Vranic and Goran Jurakić.

In the introductory lecture participants are introduced to the basics of data harmonization and procedures which are expected by NSDI subjects. Repeatedly emphasized the importance of the subjects that comes from knowing your data model.
In further lectures we met commercially (FME) and free (HALE) software solutions available on the market for data transform from one model to another (INSPIRE) model and the advantages and disadvantages of both solutions.
Through the final lecture we had the opportunity to meet with the validation and testing of compliance with INSPIRE and the current situation on this point.

7th NSDI workshop programme
09:00 | Uvod (NKT) | |
09:20 | Harmonizacija podataka prema INSPIRE-u (V. Cetl) | |
10:00 | Transformacije podataka korištenjem FME softvera (H. Tomić) | |
10:30 | Pauza (kava) | |
10:45 | Transformacije podataka korištenjem HALE softvera (S. Vranić) | |
11:15 | INSPIRE Validation & Conformity testing (V.Cetl) | |
11:45 | Diskusija | |
12:00 | Završetak radionice | |
Tehničko izvješće projekta "NIPP specifikacija za transformacije prema INSPIRE-u" |