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1st NSDI and INSPIRE Workshop

1st National Workshop organized by INSPIRATION - Spatial Data Infrastructure in the Western Balkans Project and State Geodetic Administration was held on 21st and 22nd of November 2012 at the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning, Zagreb.

Workshop was attended by 30 representatives of stakeholders of National  Spatial  Data Infrastructure (NSDI) who present data providers for  Annex I and Annex II themes of INSPIRE Directive. The workshop was opened by SGA deputy director Blaženka Mičević, MSc who emphasized the importance of spatial data infrastructure. She also referred to new Law on NSDI which soon will be put into the procedure of Government of Republic of Croatia.
The picture shows the participants of the workshop held in the premises of the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning, which was attended by about thirty representatives of NSDI stakeholders.

Moderator of the workshop was Dr. Fritz Kroiss, team leader of INSPIRATION project. Besides presentations on the objectives and results of the project, the participants had the opportunity to hear about INSPIRE implementation in EU member countries; Slovakia and Austria, as well as the current status of NSDI establishment in Croatia.

Representatives of City of Zagreb, State Institute for Nature Protection, Croatian Railways, Croatian Hydrographic Institute and State Geodetic Administration gave presentations on activities of harmonizing their data according to INSPIRE requirements. Workshop  topics  covered  Open Data strategy, licensing in INSPIRE, licensing implementation and enforcement regarding SDI as well as the main principles of Public Sector Information Directive.

In a separate session, participants were given an insight into the new Law on NSDI, which transposes INSPIRE Directive, a review of Croatian Metadata Profile and the basic principles of Cooperation and Data Sharing.
The picture shows the participants of one of the sessions held.
Both days of the workshop included interactive sessions Questions and Answers which helped creating conditions for further communication and cooperation. Workshop was closed with discussions on main concerns, advices and further expectations of participants.

Workshop presentations:
21. 11. 2012.
Registration and welcome coffee  
10:30 Opening by Mr. Kroiss and B. Mičević (SGA Deputy Director)  
10:40 The INSPIRE Directive - General overview (Christian Ansorge) PDF
11:00 NSDI/INSPIRE implementation in Croatia (Tomislav Ciceli) PDF
11:30 Overview of the main goals of the project, results and approach (Fritz Kroiss)
-Short report from from activity 1-3 (Fritz Kroiss, Ivica Skender & Christian
13:30 Question and answer - Interactive question #1  
14:30 PDF  
15:30 Legal transposition of INSPIRE in Austria (Fritz Kroiss) PDF
16:30 Presentation and explanation new SDI law in general (Tomislav Ciceli) PDF
17:00 Presentation and explanation of Cooperation and Data Sharing section of Croatian  SDI law and  draft agreement (Marjana Zelic) PDF
17:30 Presentation of Croatian Metadata Profile (Željko Hećimović) PDF
9:00 National presentations  
City of zagreb (Darko Šiško) PDF
Croatian Railroads (Josip Lisjak) PDF
Croatian Hydrographic Institute (Mladen Sredlić) PDF
The State Institute for Nature Protection (Petra Štrbanec) PDF
State Geodetic Administration (Aida Čustović) PDF
11:00 Public Information Sector Directive (Fritz Kroiss) PDF
11:30 Licensing under INSPIRE (Martin Koska) PDF
12:00 Open Data Initiative (Christian Ansorge) PDF
12:30 Enforcement and implementation of licensing regarding SDI (Ivica Skender) PDF
14:30 Question & Answer – Interactive question #2
Reflection & discussion of questions from session #1
Questions & answers shall be published on the INSPIRATION web site
16:00 End of workshop